Chapter one

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In the beginning there wasn't anything other than that stupid tampon joke talk. They saw each other in school from time to time, even went so far as smiled to one another when they coincedentially crossed paths sometimes but otherwise, they ignored the existence of the other one.

That was until they saw each other at the airport and realized they were going together on the retreat. Fatin wasn't particularly thrilled knowing someone who was in her school bubble was going to be there as well, but with Leah, she couldn't care less. As it was stated earlier, they didn't even know each other that much.

Leah was so deep with her nose into the book that it took her several minutes to realize that it was indeed the girl from school who borrowed a tampon from her months ago, that sat a few rows in front of her. She didn't care back than. All she cared about was Jeff and her thoughts spiraling about him all the while. 

Now she wasn't much better. Her thoughts were spiraling again but now about a completly different thing. She wanted it, she wanted it so bad but she just couldn't get out of her head. So she took the pills to shut her brain up. Just like Fatin suggested it.

Okay it wasn't fair to blame the other girl on her problems but Leah just wanted to make sure to follow the instructions Fatin gave to her. She wanted to make her proud even when she didn't know why. Well, she knew all along but couldn't say it out loud back than.

Now she sat there and waited for the pills to pull her into the drowsy abyss. She gave into it without anything of a fight.

Suddenly she was pulled out of the so welcomed stillness. She felt hands all over her and heard some noise that had to be the voices of the other girls. Damn it, they found her to early. Or maybe it was nearly to late, she would think about that one later. The voices got louder and suddenly she had to gag and throw up in front of her. Her stomach clenched until nothing came out of her anymore and she fell back the tree and frowned. She didn't want to leave the comfortable darkness around her but the noises got louder more and more and pulled her out even more. What finally pulled her out completly was when she felt fingers in her mouth again and had to gag again. Instinctilly she folded herself in the middle to throw up again but all that came out now were sounds. It took a couple of moments for her to calm down again enough for her to see what was going on around her. Straight to her face was Fatin, who wiped her hand on her thigh and stood up appruptly when she saw that Leah was concious again. Without another word, she left the scene and dissappeared into the woods. Leah looked at her back for as long as i was possible but eventually, Fatin dissappeared compleatly.

Leah took in, what was happening around her. Shelby sat only a few centimeters away right next to her side and had her hand on her back. Leah looked at her and saw that Shelby was really upset and also relived. Leah gazed towards the other girls that were in various places scattered around them.

Marty was standing behind Toni with tears running down her face, all the while Toni still looked shocked at the scene in front of her. Rachel sat next to them on the floor with her arm craddld against her chest. Her eyes were also a look of horror and that had to say something by the things that had happend to her recently.

"You really look like shit." Dot was the first one to speak.

"Hoped we wouldn't have to put you on watch again, but here we are again." She bit her lip before croutching down in front of Leah.

"What did you think, girl? Like, what the fuck did you think would happen? You could be dead by now if Toni and Shelby woulden't have been looking for a place to fuck. So you can thank them that you are still alive by now."

Leah's vision brushed Toni for a couple of seconds before focusing on the girl in front of her again.

Leah tried to speak but all that came out were some coughs and rasps. She shut her mouth again, leaning against the tree behind her with Shelby's arm around her shoulders and closed her eyes. She felt sick and hot and cold at the same time. Her heart beatet faster than it should normally do and breathing hurt in her lungs. She was shaky and completly soaked in sweat, with made the wind blowing an uncomfortable experience. She felt kind of delirious.

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