Episode 31 "Stargazer in a Puddle" Part 2

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Temp and I went to the prison with the pictures Chelsea drew and brought it to her mother. She was sitting across from us as she looks at them as I begin to speak, "Chelsea thought that stars were signals from heaven... showing how to get home." Temp continued, "Your AIDS cocktail wasn't working. You were sick, dying." I add, "They put you on an experimental drug... and you felt even worse. Your worst nightmare was coming true." Temp continued, "Chelsea was going to outlive you." She then says, "No, foster parent would take her." I then said, "You did what you did... out of mercy." "We went to the park, and I gave the- told Chelsea that it was candy. We, uh- we sat there looking up at the stars. I didn't know what to do with her. I didn't have the strength left. A-and then, I remembered the water. And I thought it was deep. Peaceful, you know?" Temp then says, "And then- like you were being punished, the experimental drug... started to work, didn't it?" "Yes." "You got better. What you did was wrong. But you did it out of love." We watch as she cried as we gave her the rock that said, 'I Love You' on it.

It was finally the day of Angie and Hodgins wedding as everything was prepared. Cam and I were already wearing the bridesmaid dress as Temp comes down the stairs asking, "How do I look?" Booth looks at her, "Good." Temp then looks at Cam and I, "How come you both looks so much better?" Cam then says, "Ah, Venus took the bow and yanked it." She stars helping Temp as I walk over to Booth and talked as Zack comes over to us and asks, "Have either of you been to Iraq?" Booth then says, "That's classified information, and you aren't cleared for that?" I shake my head at Booth as I look at Zack, "Why Zack?" "Does it get hurt to get shot?" "Yes? Why?" 

Booth also looks at him weirdly as Zack says, "I've never been shot." Cam then calls Booth, "Yeah?" We turn to see that Cam finished fixing Temp to look just like ours as Booth whistles, "Wow. You look great." "You said it looked good before." "Whose day is it, huh? It's Angela's. Come. on. Let's go. There you go." We get ready as Temp and Booth would go out first, then Zack and I, with Cam behind us. I then whisper to Zack, "What's going on Zack? Why are you so interested on how it feels like to get shot?" Before we could say anything, we had to separate. Then the harmony music stopped as they play some blues rock music for the bride's entrance. We smile as Angela makes her way down the ail in her lovely gown.

We then hear Booth yell Temp and my name as we look at him as he says, "He could've gotten away?" I was confused as Temp says, "What?"  "We got into a fight, you see, your dad could have escaped capture." I was confused even more as Temp says, "So he beat you in the fight?" "No, I didn't say that." "You beat him, but you gave him a chance to get away?" "No, I didn't say that." I watched as they were walking closer together as Temp says, "Well, I don't see any other alternative." "Bones, your father chose to be arrested because he felt... if he abandoned you and Blueberry again, he'd lose you both forever. Just thought... you should know." We watch as they hugged each other as I smile. We then hear someone clear their throat as we look to see that it was Angie, "Hi. I'd, uh, like to get married now." I snickered as I put my hand behind my back for Cam as she hands me $10 bucks. I knew something like this was going to happen at the alter... I just didn't know that it was our dad that caused this. The two separated awkwardly as they let the wedding continue.

As the wedding was ceremony was going on, I see someone entering through the door as they say, "Excuse me. Is this the Hodgins-Montenegro Nuptials?" Angie then says, "It's trying to be." "I'm with the state department and it's imperative that I speak with Hodgins and Montenegro before these proceedings proceed." I look at Caroline as she looks at me and I give her some pleading eyes as she then stands up, "Come on then. Let's get this figured out." Hodgins then says to everyone there, "We'll, um- we'll be right back." They then leave with Caroline as I put my hand out for Cam and Temp as they take out $10 and hand it to me. Zack and Booth look at us as Booth asked, "You guys bet on this." I shrug, "Something always goes wrong in weddings... or anything in general with this team." 

The others nodded. I then take a seat next to Booth as Zack looks at us, "Booth? Venus?" "Yes?" "Yeah?" "Is there any sense in ducking when someone shoots at you?" We look at him as Booth says, "Your body ducks whether you want to or not." I then stand up, "Why Zack? What's going on?" Booth also stands up also curious as Zack says, "You both can read this later, then explain it to everyone." I take the paper and look at the envelope that says, 'The White House Washington, DC 20500.' In which it was addressed to Zack. I look at him with sad eyes as Booth also looks at it and then back to Zack and asks, "Why us?" "Y-you both know more about duty and honor... than anyone else I know." Booth and I look at each other for a second and back to Zack thinking about how we are going to help him. Then a few minutes later we see Hodgins and Angela telling all of us to go to the reception and thanking us for coming as they ran. I chuckle a bit as I lean on Zack. Temp and Booth looked at each other as I smiled at them both knowing that something will bloom eventually... maybe even slowly.



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