⚠️Ch 13: The Line Between Living & Dying

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⚠️ Chapter contains some violence.⚠️

Dad and three of the club members head back to grab my children and mom. I told the girls they didn't need to do anything around here. I mean they seriously just woke up not even 7 hours ago. Told us what happened while beaten and bruised to pieces.

Do they listen?

Why fuck no!!!

Kenna is in the kitchen singing and dancing as she mashed potatoes up. Tinsley is washing up the dishes they dirtied while Rylee is stirring up the lemonade she has made. All three are smiling and laughing. My brothers left three hours ago to shop for the girls. I am in the kitchen helping cook dinner for everyone. When it is close to being done, I started to set the tables. I saw Dylan running in the clubhouse and he look disheveled carrying in bags on top of bags of things. Kaiser is next followed by the rest. Even prospects are carrying arm loads of stuff. They walk up the stairs and come back moments later empty handed. The girls start to place the food on the tables. When my munchkins come storming through the door. They freeze when they see Tinsley, Kenna, and Rylee. The girls look up and have the brightest smiles on their faces.

"Aunties!" Eve squeals.

Blade is already running towards his aunts. Eve happens to be right behind her brother, right on his heels. Eve plows into Kenna full speed. Causing Kenna to crash into the ground. This causes Kenna grunt than erupt into laughter. Blade is wrapped around Tinsley and Rylee's legs. Both girls are bursting into laughter.

"Are you staying?" Eve asks. All three nod their heads yes. Kenna puts Eve at the table while Tinsley and Rylee try. Keyword try. To walk with Blade latched to their legs.

"Blade come sit at the table for dinner." Draven tells his son. Rylee scoops him up and places him next to Eve. All the men begin to wash their hands and start to sit at the tables. None of them are making their plates. However, I already knew what our rule was. I start to make my babies plates when I hear his voice that causes me to smile.

"Children and Women come first." Draven says.

"It's our rule. They make their plates before we get ours." Dad tells them.
This stuns the trio.

"Mac, this club is different from the Viper's." Kenna whispers.

"That's because they value the women. Even the bunnies make plates before the men do." I answer.

"We respect all the ladies here. Even the club bunnies or club whores as you guys called them earlier." Kaiser speaks out. The girls start to make their plates and each are sitting beside one of my brothers. Once dinner is finished, the guys start to clean up the mess from dinner and my best friends head up to their rooms.

"What the fuck!!"


"Holy shit!"

We hear their screams and immediately the guys have their guards up and guns outs. Thank god the children are in the play room right now. We hear footsteps barreling down the stairs.

"McKenzie!!" Rylee yells out.

"Oh shit!" Kenna screeches as she comes to a halt.

"Put those damn things away! You'll shoot someone's eye out." Tinsley yells as she bounces down into the kitchen. The guys slowly put their guns back into their holsters.

"What?" I calmly ask them.

"Did they buy out the whole damn store?" Rylee yells.

"Like what am I supposed to do with all the stuff?" Kenna asks.

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