32. Troublesome Arohi

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Man (self talk): I am going to be mad soon, Nandini was right, she is one tough girl

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Man (self talk): I am going to be mad soon, Nandini was right, she is one tough girl. I thought only Nandini is the one who is rough and tough but she is one step ahead.

Man: That's it Arohi, it is done.

Ar: Really?

Man: Yes, really.

He takes the bowl from Arohi and starts preparing the batter as Arohi as spilled more than half of it. After preparing the batter for the third time, he keeps it aside and goes to make donut shapes from the batter.

After preparing it, he comes back to the chocolate cream and again gets shocked!

Man (a lil loud voice): What the hell! Now where the cream has gone?

Ar (giving an innocent look): I don't know..

Manik doubts on her but doesn't say anything on seeing her scared innocent look. He smiles and says: 

NO issues, we'll eat donuts like this only, chocolate ones sometime else.

Ar (shouting on top of her voice): NOOOO

Manik palms his ears.

Ar: Friend, I want my chocolate ones only, pleaseeee.

Man: Ok Ok fine, we'll make it again.

Ar: Shall I make it? Like I made before?

Man (almost immediately): Noo, no baby. I am there right, you just sit here. Ok?

Ar: Okay.

Manik again starts preparing the batter for the fourth time and after preparing it, now instead of keeping it on the counter, he keeps it next to the donuts.

Now he has to bake the donuts, he was looking for the oven tray when Arohi speaks

Ar: Friend, the one you put this in is outside.

Man: Outside? Why?

Arohi shrugs her shoulders.

Man: Ok, I'll just go bring it.

Manik goes out and finds the oven tray outside the kitchen on the floor, he finds it strange but keeping aside his thoughts, he goes inside the kitchen to complete the almost last step of his mission donut. When he reached next to the donuts, he gets hell shocked on finding the chocolate cream bowl empty, yet again.

Man (irritated + frustrated + at the verge of crying): Now where has it gone?

Ar: I don't knoww. (innocently)

Man (self talk): Nandini was right, I will need her.

Manik moves out in search of Nandini. He comes out in garden and scans to find Nandini sitting next to Tarush.:

He goes there and calls her in an irritated voice:

Man: Nandiniii, man I don't know where the hell the chocolate batter goes. I have made it 4 times and everytime it vanishes within a minute. I am tired now. Come and see no.

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