Ch 4: It's Okay Mommy I Will Catch Your Raindrops-Blade

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The bar was closed for the past month because of Grandpa's health. So, the week I finally came back; I decided she needed to be opened again. Everleigh and Blade was outside in the back playing with their Unc Daw as Blade calls Dawson. Walking into the bar that I have missed for nearly 6 years makes memories comes crashing into my head. I remember when coming home from school and showing Grandpa my test that said 100. He picked me up in front of the bar and placed me on top of it. He was twirling me around and dancing with my small self. When I look up at the old jukebox, I remember when he would give me a quarter and tell me to go pick out a song. I always picked the same song every damn time. And every time grandpa would twirl me around this bar that was about to open for the day. That song I played every time was 'Born To Be Wild.' Grandpa sheltered me anytime a fight broke out around me. When I was just in high school, this is the place I rode my Harley to and Grandpa would be outside waiting on his. We would ride down the road side by side. This happened all through high school every single day. That is until I left. I heard the door open and say Kaiser coming through the door.

"Remember when you punched the shit out of Raider at that table. You was only 4'11 which you still are. And was a freshmen." Kaiser says remembering old memories like I was.

"Yeah, he said I cheated and I'm sorry. So I swung for the damn fences." I finished.

"Dad and Grandpa threw him out those door right on his face." Kaiser recalls.

"Dad told him never to show his face around here again." I respond back.

"Grandpa yelled at him saying I quote 'My shotgun's waiting to be used again. I ain't afraid to put some lead in your body.' I swear I never seen grandpa that angry in my life." Kaiser recalls.

"Grandpa would have shot him too." Kaiser adds.

"Dad pulled out a frozen bag of peas and placed it on my hand." I say.

"I thought mom was going to have a heart attack when you punched his jaw." Kaiser laughs out.

Our reminiscing quickly ended when we heard the sounds of Harleys heading towards the bar. Opening the door and walking out of it. We were in awe with the sight in front of us. Dawson and Dylan each with one of my kids on their Harleys. If I was some city girl I would have went out there raising hell. But I'm a small town girl who grew up on that Harley that Dawson is on. I thought I made the right decision to never come back here; but in reality I think I truly made the worst mistake. My kids need their family and their family needed my kids.

"Mum did you see that?" Everleigh squeals out.

"I did honey! Did you have fun with Uncle Dill?" I ask her.

She nods her head yes and Dylan picks her up and starts to twirl my girl around. Like how dad done me all those years ago. I wish her father could do that with her. Unfortunately, that will probably never happen. That is all my fault. I wish I had the courage to tell him. To tell him about them. About his.... Our children.

"Unc Daw said when I get older this will be my bike mummy!" Blade says.

"Is that so?" I ask my little boy.

He nods his head yes nonstop. So quickly I swear his head was going to fling off his shoulders and neck.

"Did you know that bike was my dad's. It originally was Grandpa's. Dad gave Dawson that bike. Which means." I started to say.

"I'm more special." Blade says quickly.

I never realized dad and mom came from the side of the bar to hear the conversation.

"Hey, I'm special too!" Everleigh says.

"No, I am cause I get papaw's bike." He snaps back at his sister. He sticks his tongue out at her.

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