Day with mum... And Dean

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That morning I hadn't gotten much sleep but I still had to go see my mum so we could catch up.

Suddenly my phone started ringing. I answered it without looking who it was.


"Hey baby. Miss me yet?" I sigh knowing it was Michael.

"No asshole I don't miss you. I'm actually happy without you in my life. So could you leave it again?" I asked as nice as I could.

"Oh Rose I know you miss me. I'm not stupid. You miss my perfect green eyes. You miss my arms around you at night. You miss it all." I heard Dean shuffle in his sleep and then I thought.

"No Michael just because you miss it doesn't mean I do. I have a new love who doesn't treat me like shit. He has the most perfect blue eyes. Also I feel safe in his arms. Safer then I ever did in yours. And I'll never lose him." I snapped getting pissed.

"Sorry to be the bearer of bad news honey but I'm gonna be at Raw tomorrow, actually I'm already in Cincinnati and after Raw I'm going to beat your precious Deans ass." With that said he hung up.

Great just great.

I get up and walk over to Deans air mattress and gently lay beside him.

"Dean?" I lightly shake him.

He groans and his eyes slowly open.


"I'm going to a hotel to meet up with my mum for breakfast and she wanted to know if you'd like to come?" He groaned again

"What time is it?" He asked.

"About 8:30am" He got up making me sink down in the bed.

"Yeah let me get a shower and I'll gladly go with you." He said smiling at me.

Before I knew it I was asleep on Deans mattress.


"Rosalie Michael has this look in his eyes. That look I know all to well. It's guilt. He's hiding something from you. I can feel it." Lizzy (Sara my long lost best friend) said as we walked to my boyfriend of almost 2 years house.

"Liz I'm sure it's nothing. Michael loves me and wouldn't hide anything from me." She sighed as we walked into Michaels house greeted by his two older brothers Patrick and Darry.

"Where's Michael?" I asked as they shared a look.

"He went to the movies with a friend." Patrick said.

I sighed and sat beside Dallas who is like a brother to me and thought about what Lizzy said.

*End of Flashback/Dream*

I was awoken from my dream by Dean lightly shaking me.

"Rose wake up. It's time to go." I sighed putting the dream into the back of my head and smiled.

"My mum is really excited to finally meet you. She's been watching WWE since our little run in a while back. She likes you already." As I said this he smiled.

"So which hotel did she want to meet at?" I gave him the directions she gave me and we headed that way.

As we were riding it was quiet.

To quiet for my comfort so I reached over and turned on the radio.

The song that was playing was All Of Me by John Legend and I started singing.

"Because all of me loves all of you. Loves your curves and all your edges, all your perfect imperfections." Dean laughed.

"Oh so you love me now?" He asked as we both laughed.

"Only in your dreams Ambrose." He just smiled and continued driving.

We finally reached the hotel and my mum came out.

I still cannot believe how beautiful my mum is.

Oh how I've missed her so much.

She smiled as I got out of the car to greet her with Dean following behind me.

"Where do you wanna go mum. We can go anywhere my treat?" She smiled.

"How about IHOP?" She asked.

"Sounds good. Dean do you know where ones at?" He looked at me and just laughed.

"No I've just lived here almost all my life and I don't know where ones at." I playfully punched his arm and we got in the car.

He hesitated before climbing in the drivers seat.

'Boy that was weird. Oh well.' I thought.

"So mum I was wondering after breakfast would you like to go shopping with me if Dean doesn't mind of course?" Dean looked at me

"Sure I can go back by my house and chill with-" Mum cut him off.

"No Dean I want you to come with me and Rosie. I want to get to know you." My mum said smiling at him.

He smiled back.

"I'd love to."

We arrived at IHOP and got out.

Dean went ahead of us so he could find us a place inside and me and mum just walked slowly and talked a bit.

"He's cute Rosie. Perfect for you. He seems like he'd be a good man." I shushed her.

"Mum he'll hear you. Besides I don't think he likes me like that. Anyways I haven't had a boyfriend since-" my eyes widened when....

Cliff hanger. Sorry had to make it interesting. Lol. Comment and favorite. I have a great idea for the next chapter. Keep reading to find out what happens to Rosalie on her "day off". Love you guys. Published May 5, 2015

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