Ch 3: The Road Back Home

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I stand here in shock but thinking back I knew we were drunk so there's no way we even bother with protection. It's crazy how the first time you have sex and bam....

You're pregnant...

I told Kaiser I was pregnant and he already figured out how and what happened. He knew something had happened between Draven and I because I was becoming distinct with Draven; which was unusual for me.

For example if he was in the room, I immediately made some excuse to leave. If Kaiser wanted me to go with our brothers, Draven and him; I would make up some poor excuse. Which is honestly abnormal, us five were always side by side. He wants to go race I was always with him, cheering his lunatic ass on. Kaiser wants to go on a ride, I was always beside him. Slowly I stopping doing each of those things with them. I just didn't know how handle it anymore.

I pray my children wouldn't resemble their dad. The day I given birth my daughter ends up a spitting image of me. However, one look at my son and I knew I couldn't go visit home any time soon or if ever.

He looks exactly like his dad.

Eventually Dylan and Dawson found out about their niece and nephew. They were on the phone with me. My babies started to cry so while face timing these two; I instinctively went to both my children and put their binkies in their mouths. They saw her face close up. Then saw his face just as close. I knew I couldn't lie. So, I broke down and told them the truth...

They were mine.

I start to send my brothers pictures of the children. Soon my brothers start to lying about where they are going just to come see my babies. One look on their faces, they already knew who the father was. I figured one of them would have told him or our parents about it. However, they have kept the secret under lock and key. I never planned to come back to my old town of Ashby.

My home.

But when my dad calls and tells me my grampa had a massive heart attack. I crumple to my knees. Because my dad's final words killed me.

'Come home Mac. Your grampa might not make it through the week. He's had several smaller ones while in the hospital. He needs you. We need you.'

I didn't think I would move back. Honestly, I plan to stay for a week or two to see my grandpa. I pack a suitcase for my children, their toys, and my very own suitcase. I put my Harley into the trailer on my truck and place my children in their car seats . I haul ass towards where my grandpa is. When I pull up, my mother is already outside. As I step out of my truck, she hugs the life out of me. Soon, my dad is here squeezing me to death. When I break free from their hugs, I quickly open my backdoors and pull Blade out of his car seat. I quickly reach over and grab Everleigh out of her's. My brothers are all smiles when they see them. I mean they did grow quite a bit the past 4 months.

My parents however, are stunned.

"Mom... Dad...." I never get to finish my sentence.

"Children?" Mom asks stunned.

"I'm a papaw?" Dad asks with a big smile on his face.

"This is my daughter Everleigh." I say pointing down to my daughter.

"This is her twin brother Blade" I then point down towards my son.

"We're grandparents!" My mother squeals.

"Where's the bloody father at?" Dad questions with a slight threat.

"Drunken one night stand." I reply back. I shift nervously around on my feet. I grab my children's hands and we begin to walk. When my children finally spot Kaiser behind my tall father. They let go of my hand and squeals fill the air.

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