CHP 18 - Return of Lee Seo Jo

Start from the beginning

All were shouting and giving replies. At that moment, someone knocks on the classroom door.

Mr Han went to open the door. He announced,

"Everyone welcome our new transfer student."

The new transfer student came it and all the students started shouting.
Min jae could hear the person's name, lee seo jo. Min jae turned her head towards the person and was shocked.

"I guess he didn't need any introduction

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"I guess he didn't need any introduction. But introduce yourself."

"Hello, everyone. I'm lee seo jo. Take care of me."

Everyone cheered up. But lee seo jo and min jae eyes were locked up.

"Seo jo. Just the seat beside min jae. Min jae raise your hand."

Min jae didn't respond. So seo jo asked, "is it empty before the last row?"


Seo jo went and sat in his seat. Min jae turned away from him. Mr Han left the room. Min jae rushed out of the classroom in hurry. While min jae was hurrying out, she pushed the desk of seojun. Then, seojun woke up and saw her rushing out.

Seojun thought she was in some trouble and followed her immediately.

Min jae started running towards the back of the school which is seojun's hideout. Seo jun was following her.
Min jae reached there and just stood up.

"Yah, min jae. It's my hideout."

Min jae turned towards seojun with watery eyes and heavy breathing. She scouted down. Seojun slowly approached her.

 Seojun slowly approached her

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"Yah, what's wrong?"

Min jae didn't respond and was crying with her head between her legs.

"Jae, whatever it is? I'm sorry."

"Don't cry. I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry. Okay."

Min jae slowly looked towards him

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Min jae slowly looked towards him. Seojun hugged her. Min jae started crying in his arms. Seojun comforted her.

"Thanks, juna."

"Don't mention."

Min jae and seojun were walking towards the canteen. The canteen was in uproar with the news of suho's father. Min jae got a phone from her father and she excused herself.

"Ah appa"

"I have seen your report. You got first. Congratulations and no need to stress yourself."

"Thank you pa and I'm doing my best. Where are you pa?"

"I'm in the parking lot."

"Okay, I will be there soon."

Min jae was running towards the parking lot. She almost dashed seojun and seojun caught her. Min jae noticed the sad look on his face.


"Don't worry. Let's talk later. You're in a hurry."

Seojun left her. Min jae thought to deal with him later and ran towards the parking lot.

Min jae saw her father surrounded by suho, Mr Lee, jukyung and jukyung mom.

"Appa." Min jae shouted and waved her hand.

"Min jae." Her father waved her back. Min jae ran towards the group.

"Hello, Mr Lee. Hello aunty." Min jae bowed to Mr Lee and Jukyung's mom.

"How are you?" Mr Lee asked her.

"Fine, uncle."

"Oh my god, You're the daughter of the park entertainment CEO."

"Yes, aunty." Min jae forced her smile.

"Here take this and share with others."

Mr Park gave a pack of chocolates.

"Thank you pa."

Suho excused himself.

"Okay, It's getting time. I will take my leave."

"Bye pa."

Min jae excused herself and went to class. Jukyung was stuck between suho's father and her mom.

Min jae was wandering in the garden and eating chocolates. She was questioning whether to return to her classroom. When the bell rang min jae returned to her classroom with no other option.

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