CHAPTER 14: So Pretty!

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dot kept babbling about the "fun" activities we were gonna do. she even pulled out a clipboard with the paper hanging off of it since the list was so long. apparently, the first activity was nails.

i don't exactly like to paint or do my nails as much anymore, i don't know why. it's just not as appealing to me, last time I got them done was fifth grade. the most that gets done to them now is either accidentally getting paint on them or breaking them since i do a lot with my hands.

dot led all of us to her room and pulled out a jumbo box of nail polish bottles, it was half the size of her! i think she owns more nail polish bottles than i own clothes.

"alrighty, who goes first?" dot held up a bunch of nail tools like they're torture weapons and looked at us mischievously.
yakko and wakko pushed me forward to be the first victim.

"gee guys, you're so sweet to do that." i dryly said while giving them a deadpan look.

"relax, sweet cheeks! it can't be that bad" yakko tried to console me from afar.

"then why don't you go?" i crossed my arms and glared at him.

"oh man! wakko we better make up more pranks to pull on Scratchy and Plotzy!" the brothers sped off to who knows where in the tower. i rolled my eyes a bit.

"c'mon Yami (n/n)! sit down so you can pick a color" dot patted her floor, gesturing me to sit down. i sat down a bit upset, they ditched me!

"can't i just pick a clear nail polish? just so my nails don't keep breaking" i suggested with high hopes.

"nope! you have to pick an actual color, what's the fun in painting clear nails?" dot shoved the box towards me. i picked a pretty neutral looking color so it matches my nail color.

"ugh, that boring color? c'mon! that's used for french tips!" dot complained again about my choice.

"awh c'mon! if I'm gonna paint my nails, this is the color i want, case closed." i argued with dot until i won.

"fine, but you'll have to assist me with a couple of activities" dot offered me the deal.

"bet" i absent mindedly agreed. dot started to paint my nails, to be honest she did a pretty good job, none of the polish got on my skin or cuticles. before I knew it, she was done.

"wow, i hate to say it but you've done an amazing job. i hardly see any polish outside my nail." i hold my hands up to my face to observe them better. dot pridefully put her hands on her hips.

"glad to see you lighten up, emo" dot snickered.

"ok i am not emo" i declared with a serious expression.

"really? just look at you!"

"just 'cause I'm wearing mostly black, doesn't mean I'm emo! not many colors suit me nor my skin tone, plus i have a limited closet." i inform dot as we jokingly bicker about this emo debate.

"what's all the racket in here?" wakko came in finishing a sandwich.

"Yami's (n/n's) emo" "i ain't emo" we said simultaneously.

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