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Everyday she wakes up

Hoping it will be a little better

Everyday she looks in the mirror

Hoping to be a little thinner

Everyday she goes out and faces the world

Hoping it will be a little more accepting

At the end of the day she realizes, it's not going to get any better

she's not going to get any thinner, and the world will never accept her

for who she is

So she decides to cope in the only way she knows how

She goes and gathers all of her supplies, runs a hot bath, and slowly

slices away all her problems of the day

Now the day is a little better

Now she seems just a little thinner

And now she doesn't give a damn what the world thinks

She's calm and content watching all of her problems fade away red into the water

And seeing the beauty of her own blood brings a smile to her distant face

Now she can sleep

But in the back of her mind, all of the problems are still there

And it will all start again tomorrow

This Is Her Everyday

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