forty | beware the green-eyed monster

Começar do início

As the first man he'd hurt grabbed James and tried to hold him back, while the other man started to hit James, Annabelle could hear the priest ask, "Do you, Leslie, take Mario to be your husband?"

Leslie replied, "I do."

Then the first man started to knee James in the stomach before the detective fell onto the floor and the two men started to kick him repeatedly.

Annabelle did nothing but cross her arms over her chest and tilt her head, while the priest asked, "And do you, Mario, take Leslie to be your wife?"

Mario replied, "I do."

Then the priest said to them, "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

After bringing one of the men down onto the floor, James started to throw several punches at the man before he turned his attention to the other man.

When both men were down, he looked up at Annabelle, who was standing in front of him and raising an eyebrow at him.

James pulled his right arm back and swung it forward and was about to hit Annabelle in the face, only to stop when Annabelle quickly grabbed his fist with a tight grip.

She tilted her head with narrowed eyes as she said to him, "Oh, I wouldn't do that if I were you, Gordon."

Then she quickly pulled back her other fist and punched him in the face, which got him to be turned around from the force put behind it, only to get a punch in the face by another man, who had been running towards him from behind him.

While the three men repeatedly kicked at James, Annabelle only sighed to herself as she wondered how Victor was doing.

What she didn't know, though, was that Victor was knocked unconscious by James Gordon before the detective even got to the church, which would make her regret not hurting him far more than she did, while the wedding took place.

* * *

While he was being looked over for any wounds from when James Gordon had knocked him out, Victor could only chuckle as Annabelle did nothing but lecture him ever since she found him lying unconscious on a couch in the home of Leslie Thompkins.

She went from berating him, demanding what happened, asking if he was okay, insulting him and then back to berating him.

It was an endless cycle that had been happening from the moment she found him.

The fact that it had been going on for almost twenty minutes now was incredibly amusing to him.

After tilting his head and watching her continue to look him over for any injuries, he only chuckled once more, while she asked him, "Kiss the bride for me? Kiss the bride for me? Are you serious, Victor? You know damn well what he's like when it comes to Leslie, but you say the one thing that would rile him up more than any other thing you could possibly say."

He shrugged as he told her, "I mean, I kind of had an idea of how he'd react. It's kind of like how you react when you think someone is insulting me or wants to hurt me. I wanted to see if his reaction to it would be kind of like yours and he didn't disappoint."

She sighed as she said to him, "Damn it, Victor. How many times am I going to have to try and either patch you up or heal you with my blood?"

He smirked before he replied, "As many times as I'd need you to."

She slapped the side of his head before she said, "Damn it, Victor, this is not the time to be repeating words you've said to me in the past."

His smirk became even wider as he said, "Ah, come on, Annabelle, just admit it. You find it funny."

She replied, "It doesn't matter how I find it. What matters is that just about every time I'm not with you, you always seem to get yourself injured."

He told her, "Maybe I do it so that I have a good enough reason to have your undivided attention. Have you ever thought of that?"

She sighed as she started to say to him, "Victor—"

Victor grabbed her and pulled her onto his lap and pressed his forehead against hers as he asked her, "What's wrong with wanting some undivided attention from my girlfriend?"

Despite her wish to continue berating him, she eventually gave in and laughed as she wrapped her arms around his neck and said to him, "Absolutely nothing."

He chuckled before he pulled her closer to him and said to her, "Besides, out of all the looks you've had during the twelve years I've known you, the one I enjoy the most is the one you get whenever you're worried about me."

She replied, "I only have that look when you give me something worth worrying about, like all of the times you get yourself hurt."

He only chuckled in response before he pressed his lips against hers, which got her to sigh before she responded to his kiss.

And while the two of them kissed, they were unaware of the fact that a certain group was lingering outside of Annabelle's temporary home and discussing when they should act out their plan that involved the Original vampire that they liked to call Anna.

Despite her hatred for the one that was involved in the plan, it was a plan that she would need to be there to witness.

After all, as their prophet had once said in the video after the attack on the GCPD, Anna was his most loyal comrade and they'd hate for his most loyal comrade to not be present during their attempt of resurrecting him after him being dead for almost a year now.

And if things went their way, their prophet, Jerome Valeska, would be alive yet again and be able to reign terror in the streets of Gotham once more, just as he did before he was murdered by the former mayor of Gotham, Theo Galavan.

Thanatophobia | VICTOR ZSASZ [DISCONTINUED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora