Prologue (Mac's Mom's POV)

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When you're a club bunny or a sweet butt, you normally take precautions with anyone you are with. However, with Duke it was different. He was the only one in Viper's MC I had ever truly been with. We've had our fling going for the past two years, when I was only nineteen. I was young and dumb. I thought we would be together, literally forever. I thought he loved me. That I would become his ol' lady. However, that wasn't the case. He came in the clubhouse one day with a beautiful blonde with crystal clear ocean eyes. She was everything I was not. She wasn't a club bunny like me. She was the President's sister. He looked me in my devastated eyes and announced she was his ol' lady. Some of the members looked at me in pity. The girl from the wrong side of the track, the club bunny, falling for The Viper's VP. I watched as my heart shattered that day. I watched for weeks of him parading her around. I watched as he got down on one knee and proposed to her. I watched my world crash in a matter of two months. She was his long-lost sweetheart. She took off and shattered his soul before I came through these doors. She walked back in two years later and took what was never mine to begin with. He used me to get over her and I let him. I should have listened when everyone warned me not to play with fire; to get mixed up with him. But his beautiful sky-blue eyes and perfect smile lured me in. I started to drink more and more each day. I never touched another club member after that. I just partied and entertained everyone. My smile didn't fool anyone, not even myself. He never once looked my way after everything he had done. A month later I found out I was four months pregnant.

Four months!

With his child. He never found out about how I was carrying his child. Not like he would even care. He and everyone was told it was from a one-night stand.

I mean technically it wasn't all a big lie..

Just partially.

I mean technically it did start off as a one night stand. So, there was some truth to the half assed lie.

When she was three months old, and her features were slowly showing. Her eyes, you couldn't deny she had his eyes. Everyone started to notice, even he started to become suspicious. Instead of staying in the small town of Vander at The Viper's Clubhouse; because I didn't want to ruin his perfect life, I asked the Pres if I could leave. This lifestyle isn't something my daughter needed to be around. The partying, the drugs, her bloody father for the most part was the reason I left.

I didn't want my little sweetheart to get hurt by him. I didn't want her having to see him with her. I didn't want him to ignore her like I knew he would. So, Pres gave his approval and with that approval I took off. Drove an hour away to a small town called Ashby. Only because my old beater up decided to die in this small town. If I had my way, I would have been stated away from Vander and my horrible past. But since my car wanted to croak in Ashby, I decided to make the most of it. I started to work in Mac's bar. The owner let me stay in the apartment above the bar with my daughter.


I knew it was a biker bar, but I didn't even care. I needed a job so I could provide for my little angel. I needed a place to live so she would stay warm at night. Mac's wife would watch my daughter in their house, which was behind the bar. I tried to stay away from every biker. I only took their orders and handed them their drinks.

However, my attempts failed. Not a slight fail but a major fail.

I caught the eyes of The Creed's MC's VP. I don't know what it is about me attracting MC's Vice Presidents. But here I was in the sights of another VP.

A bloody damn sculpted machine. His eyes would capture your soul while his smile would melt your cold heart.

His name was Bear. He had a son, Kaiser, who's only a year older than McKenzie. Kaiser's mom, was a fling. She wasn't cut out for children apparently because she had him and left him on Bear's doorstep. She even had the audacity to leave a small note. Apparently, it wasn't a heartfelt one at that. I remember over hearing Bear telling the prospects at the time 'wrap your dick and makes sure she doesn't act like Annabelle.' They asked what the story was so, he told them how she just left leaving their son on his doorstep. When one of them asked what the note had said Bear looked like he was about to shed tears thinking about the day his one month son was out in the cold wrapped in small blanket with that bloody note. I tried not to eavesdrop but hearing how he sounded so broken when he talked about his past; it made my ears perk up and curiosity ran in my blood.

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