Chapter Nine

Beginne am Anfang

The senate was dismissed and the legion went about its day like nothing had happened. The senate and centurions went to tell the people of the new praetor and the stories of the day. Jason, Gwen, Piper, Reyna, and I all remained in the senate room for an extra minute or two to discuss what was going to happen with the legion.

Gwen was the first to speak, "I would like a word with Centurion Perseus a lone for a few minutes. Everyone else is dismissed."

Everyone gave her a funny look, but no one dared question a praetor's wishes. Everyone filed out of the room until it was just Gwen and I. For the first time I think I actually looked at her, she was attractive for a daughter of Mars. She had the dark brown hair and the warriors body build, she clearly had muscle to her, and she just had the look that said she would kick your ass all over the place. She motioned for me to sit down in a near by chair and she pulled one up to face in front of me. She looked at me in the eyes then smiled, "Its nice to not have to talk to a hooded figure. Nice to put a face to the skill Perseus Jackson!"

I returned her smile lightly, "Please praetor just Percy."

Her smile widened at that, "Percy, there is something I would like to ask you. Its a legitimate question and I would like you to answer it honestly."

She looked at me as if asking for my approval. I looked at her questioningly, "Praetor, you know you could ask me anything and I would answer for that is my duty to you."

Her smile turned to a small frown, "This is a personal question Percy, please lets not pull title or rank in this conversation."

I nodded giving her a real smile, "Sure Gwen. Please ask anything you want."

"Are you and Reyna together?"

I almost fell out of my chair at this question. She laughed at my clear befuddled facial feature, "Is this a sore subject, or were you just that surprised by my question?"

I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly, "Gee, um, she's my best friend like I told you, I guess its kind of difficult."

I knew I was blushing the color of a fire hydrant and she continued to laugh at my shyness, "You know its cute to see such a powerful guy blush. Shows that he has a soft side."

I coughed a bit, "I am sorry Gwen, what are these questions related to?"

She just smiled twirling her brown hair, "Well as centurion of the first cohort you and I will be working together a lot. Centurions and Praetors often cross paths in the line of duty. Generally it is praetor to praetor, but Jason Grace had his heart stolen a long time ago whether he realizes it or not!"

I was trying to latch on to her subject to get it away from the one I think she was going towards, "I am glad I am not the only one that sees it! I have done what I can to help their relationship, because I do want what's best for my cousin!"

"What about what's best for you?" Now Gwen had finally began to blush at her own question.

I now realized that I was definitely being hit on. Its really awkward to because I have zero experience at this. I scratched my head again nervously, "What's best for me has never really mattered. I have a prophesy lingering over my head that says I will die at the age of sixteen. That gives me a little over two years left."

Gwen stood up and hastily walked over towards me, "Don't you want to live every second of your life to the fullest then?"

I stood up as well and turned away. I wished I could just shadow travel away because I honestly wasn't sure what to do. I don't know if I like Reyna that way or not, but I knew I owed it to the both of us to at least find out. And if we do get together I don't want to regret kissing Gwen, which is her clear purpose.

I backed away sheepishly, "I am sorry Gwen. I have to much riding on me to be distracted at this point. My life has never been easy, its not about to get any easier. I now have to train Reyna, myself, Jason, and the first cohort. Jason especially I know I will need him in the battle for Olympus. He is the only one who can stand by my side and fight Titans. He is the only demigod in this world who I would trust to do so."

Gwen looked at me sadly, but stepped close to me and pecked me on the cheek, "Your bravery is admiral Percy. I wish you happiness, even if it isn't with me. You are a good person I can read that much out of you. When that final battle comes, I will be there fighting by you and your friends. I promise you that much."

I still blushed liked crazy though when she kissed me, but thankfully she just walked away smiling at how shy I was. I cursed at myself. I can fight Titans, but I can't talk to a pretty girl. Why can't this be easier, why can't I just tell Reyna how I feel. I think she feels the same way. Maybe. And if she doesn't then maybe Gwen and I will have something there. What if I am wrong though? I don't want to make our friendship awkward because I struck out swinging!

I contemplated this as I walked all the way to the first cohort barracks. In the lounge area was all twenty members of the cohort. In the center of the room though was Jason, Reyna, and Piper. When I walked in many people started clapping and hooting. I was pounded on the back by many people and they pushed me towards the front. When I got there my friends were all smiling at me. I grinned, "I am guessing you guys already told them about the black fortress."

Jason shook his head, "Yeah we just told them about how you took down the black throne!"

I shot back, "You fought Krios!"

"You fought Atlas and Bobby Drake!"

"I couldn't of done it without you man!"

"You took down the whole freaking place with an earthquake that Kronos himself probably felt!"

I have nothing to say to that one! I just shrugged, "Okay you got me there!"

Everyone laughed at that and Jason patted me on the back, saying loudly, "Your new Centurion will serve the Roman legacy well."

A small chant of my name went up through the room and I have to say I gave a smile that was 100% genuine and all my friends smiled just as brightly as I did. When the chanting died down I said, "Well I don't know about you guys, but today I held up the sky! I am going to take a very nice power nap, I will see you guys in the morning!"

I looked at Reyna and Jason saying a little softer as everyone dispersed, "I will see you guys at 5:00AM, Jason if your still game to train I would love to have you down there with us!"

Jason nodded, "I have lots of work to if I am going to have to fight Krios again, or worse Hyperion!"

I shuttered at the thought. Hyperion may not have been the most powerful combat fighter, but he had some of the best control over his element and that could be a really ugly fight one day. I nodded though, "I will see you guys early in the morning then! We won't work to hard we do have a party to attend to tomorrow!"

They nodded and I walked into the boys barrack on the right. I walked over to my bed and as soon as my face hit the pillow I entered the lands of Morpheus!

Dream Sequence/Flashback

"The gods are going to rain our parade today Rey, you want to go back?"

Reyna and I were on top of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC. It was one of our favorite views and we came here often, but tonight we brought some light music that we could listen to, just to change things up a bit. The clouds were rumbling in and I could feel storm clouds above us prepared to unleash a good size rain storm.

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