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Magic Knights captains POV

'Ink..Butterfly..? Two magic at once? How is that possible?'

'How odd, all mage can have one magic attribute..'

'An interesting one, hm.'

'Hey, he's cool!'

'Oooo, butterflies and ink? How magnificent.'

'I could use him in my squad!..And we'll be powerful than the other idiots!'

'Two magic at once? There must be something wrong with this.'

'I would love to see that boy join my squad!'

'..How interesting.'


3rd person (POV)

Now, the FINAL thing before everyone could go home, getting selected as a magic knight. Things like this are just too nerve-wracking for the examinee. "...Each examinee will come forward when their number is called out. The squad captains will raise their hand if they wish to have you join their team. It is up to the examinee to accept the offer or not. And if more than one captain raises their hand, it is up to the examinee to choose." After that, he also mentioned that if there are no takers, the examinee will not be able to join the magic knights.

Then, the nerve-wracking selection has started.


"Number 159, please step forward."
"Hey, it's that ink..Or butterfly guy again!"
"I'm betting that he's gonna get into one of the good team! I'm sure his magic impressed the captains!" Y/n roll his eyes, walking toward when his number got called. Now standing at the spot where he needs to stand, he look up, waiting for one of the captains raise their hand, he doesn't care who it is, he just want to get this over with..

Staring at the captains, one by one while patiently waiting. Surprisingly, some stare back, with a smile on their face.

And that's when he knew,
all of the magic knights captains had raised their hand.

Although he wasn't that surprise, but others did. He somewhat expected this to happened anyways. Now, he have to choose which squad to be in, not very difficult for him, but the candidates expect him to pick the strongest..


"The Black Bulls."
He said casually, also not acting surprise by the gasp that could be heard behind him. He had a small smile on his face when seeing the Golden Dawn captain's reaction after he said he had chosen to be a part of the Black Bulls, seeing his smile faded away almost made him chuckled, knowing the fact that the guy probably think that every examinee here would love to be in his squad. 'How sad.' And then Y/n start to go back to his spot, watching the others' turn to get selected.


"Huh? Why do you care so much? Isn't it up to the examinee to choose which squad they want to be in? Just because you got into the worst squad doesn't mean you have to tell me what to do."
"THE BLACK BULLS ARE MUCH MORE WORST!?" Y/n start to walk away from the guy that he had fought hours ago, leaving him speechless, surprise and disappointed.

Y/n start to look for his captain, walking through the crowd. Along walking, he summon one of his butterfly, for his entertainment while he tried to find his captain.

The butterfly that he had summon was the color of blue-ish gray, this type of color remind Y/n of the word 'chill', so that's why he summoned it, he's in a 'chill mood'.

He often summoned butterflies that are different colors, depends on what his moods are, this one is one of his favorite.
Although while 'trying' to find his captain, it seem that he's distracted by the small beautiful creature, walking to random direction while staring at it.

And from far away, he could never seen the three people that were staring at him, realizing that he was distracted by something on his finger. One of them sigh, then puff out a smoke(I don't even know how smoking work.) "Finral, bring him here."


"You're an adorable one, aren't you?" I muttered while having a smile on my face, looking at the blue-ish gray butterfly on my finger, it then looked back at me. " Thank you for summoning me, again. I guess I was right, I am your favorite. "
It says, I chuckled. I'm guessing it had a fight with the others butterflies about that.

Hm, I haven't realized it yet, where are the Black Bulls people? I've..Been walking for a while now, am I blind or something? They're must be here somewhere-

"Are you done staring at that tiny creature?"

I suddenly bump into a person, and hearing their raspy voice speaking to me. I back away for a bit, looking at the person who I had bump into, and it was the captain of the 'terrible' squad..What's his name again? Yami Sukehiro?

..What's with the tank top? Eugh.
Did I really choose this squad?

Damn. What the hell is wrong with me.

"Well, I certainly apologize for making you wait. I should've pay attention to where I was going." I said, trying to act casual. I look at the butterfly that was still on my finger, signing it should go for now. I can tell that it understood me, then it disappear from my finger. When it was gone, the captain speak once again, "You talk to butterflies? That's sad."
"And what makes you think talking to a small creature sad? They're beautiful."
"It seem you don't have real friends to talk to."

I roll my eyes at his stupid response, he doesn't understand nature I assume, even a small creature can be your friend, I'm sure there's nothing wrong with that.

It's just a small insect after all...

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