Backstory Part 1

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Your favorite leader

Bluestar - You were born a half-clan kit. You dislike how the warrior code it set up.

Firestar - You were born outside the clans as a kittypet named.. (Favorite number: 1-Creampuff, 2-Smokey, 3-Bear) You were welcomed into the clans by a couple of apprentices playing near the twolegplace.

Bramblestar - You were born into your clan. You were apprenticed earlier than usual because of your excellent skills.

Crookedstar - Your mother died at birth. You feel like you do not belong in your clan.

Leopardstar - Your father was the deputy of your clan. You have always wanted to be a high rank in your clan.

Mistystar - You were brought up in a large family with 3 other kits. You want to stand out and be the best you possibly can be.

Tallstar - You were born as a rogue but abandoned by your mother. You despise every cat outside of the clans because of this.

Onestar - You fell in love with a cat from another clan when you were younger. Now you are friends with everyone no matter where they came from.

Tigerstar 1 - You witnessed both your parents death and swear revenge on a rival clan because of it. You wish to become leader to stop the evil rising around you.

Blackstar - As a kit you fell into the river while trying to trespass. You now are afraid of water and other clans.

Brokenstar - Your older brother bullied you as a kit and now you hate everyone and swear revenge on him. He is now in another clan.

Tigerstar 2 - You were always a very social cat and everyone respects you now.

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