Visitors and Hope Chapter 111

Beginne am Anfang

Rory tries to work out what she's feeling other then betrayal and anger

Find out where he's going next -Natasha

Are you sure I mean -Rhodey begins

We need to talk to him Rhodey -Rory

He's family -Natasha

I just mean that Rory has a kid -Rhodey

and she would love to meet her uncle who's ass am going to kick when we find him -Rory

Rhodey nods a little then he signs off

As soon as it's just them Natasha crumbles

Rory pulls her close

God what is he thinking -Natasha

Was this what it was like when I -Rory

Yes -Natasha

Am sorry I put you through that Tasha. I just felt so broken and hurt. All I wanted was Yelena well and Karli but you didn't know about her yet -Rory

It's ok. But thanks for saying that and finally telling me about Karli -Natasha

It was just painful to talk about her -Rory

I get that and I understand where you were coming from as well as why you never said anything -Natasha

Rory smiles a little which Natasha returns

Though they both share a depressed look neither really sure what else they can do

I'd offered to cook you Dinner but you seem sad enough already -Steve

Rory and Natasha turn to see Steve in the doorway

Come by to do your laundry? -Natasha

and see two of my friends and niece -Steve

Your friend's are fine -Natasha

Your niece is training -Rory

Again -Steve

She wants to become a swordswoman -Rory

Steve smiles at this

Did either of my friends leave the house today? -Steve

Nothing out there I particularly want to see -Natasha

I can't leave the house everyday do you know how much of a handful my six year old is -Rory

she is yours -Natasha

Hey! -Rory

I spotted a pod of whales coming over the bridge -Steve

In the Hudson -Natasha

Fewer ships, Cleaner water. Just saying there's still a world out there -Steve

If you're about to tell me to look on the bright side, I'm about to hit you with a peanut butter sandwich -Natasha

A laugh is heard and they turn to find Tali there

Hi there -Steve

Hi Uncle Steve -Tali says then rushes over to Rory who then puts Tali on her hip

Good workout -Rory

Tali nods with a smile

Beda then comes in with Saber on her back

Sorry. Force of habit -Steve says to Natasha as he strokes Beda's head

I don't know how you do it -Natasha

I guess I don't know how not to -Steve says biting into half of Natasha's uneaten sandwich

Me, neither -Natasha

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