"All of those who wish to fight, go and bid a farewell on your families and offer your lives to me." He commanded with a stern voice.

"Yes!" They cheered in a loud voice to raise their spirits.

They left the table and as soon as they were gone, I let out a chuckle. Numa noticed me gave me a weirded out look.

"You heard me, alright? Go and bid farewells." He said, motioning his head for me to get on with saying goodbyes.

"I have no need to bid a farewell." I chuckled softly. "You won't die anyway."

He laughed gently and patted my back, giving a confident smile.

"I suppose, you're correct." He said.

"Well, I think you should go to Rena and say goodbye." I said.

"No need. I won't die." He said confidently.

"Then, just say, 'I'll be back for a while' or something like that." I chuckled. "Besides, I have to prepare for my role."

"Alright, brother. See you later."

He walked away from me and I stared at the black night sky. The stars above were like wishing me a good luck and the winds were giving me their strength. Well, I hope so. I do hope that I can do well tomorrow.

As I walked back to my tent, I heard some of the women and children crying because their sons, and husbands are going to give their lives away to fight and I heard some of them celebrating since this will be their last time to be together. All the grieving and crying makes me sad while the celebration gives me the bittersweet feeling. This is the last time they'll see each other.

As for me, I have no need to do all that because I will come out victorious. I promised that I will protect Rena-san and my brother!

I prepared my weapons and wrapped bandages on my body and hands, filled with determination to win. I wore my gauntlets, boots, and my defensive armor. I'll never lose to anyone.

The cold night quickly passed and the fierce battle will now commence.

We stood on our positions firmly. I wore the Notherner's mask and as the enemy approaches, I gazed at them with an intent to kill.

Armies of capital soldiers marched to our land and then came a woman, wearing a white suit and a white general cape with long blue hair riding on a horse. She must be the general..

We gave them our fearless looks, believing in the victory we aimed for.

"People of the North! Hear me!" She spoke.

Everything was silent as we listened to her proposal but, everyone kept their defenses up and prepared ourselves to fight.

"Surrender now!" She commanded. "Or we will have to kill every last one of you!"

I snorted at her proposal and smirked. This is hilarious. We have prepared for this day to come and we'll waste it to surrender? Damn, that's stupid.

"We will never surrender to you and your worthless emperor!" Numa answered, his words provided us with courage. "This is the day we obtain freedom, this is the day, we become freemen!"

The blue haired woman gave a menacing smirk. Her bloodthirstiness gave me a bit of goosebumps as her eyes shone with murder intent and excitement. So, this is the strongest general.. The infamous sadistic, war-loving b*tch.

"You asked for it and so shall it be given!" She said with a huge grin on her face.

The soldiers prepared for her command and stood by. We all got our defenses up and prepared for their attack.

"Men, I give you nothing but one command.." She said in a low tone. "CRUSH THEM!"


They advanced on us and we did the same, attacking them with all our might. With two of my swords on my hands, I sliced, slashed, and cut through the enemies' bodies without batting an eyelash. The moment the war started, blood spilt immediately and in just a second, I was bathe in their filth.

I'm fully aware of their movements and I'm easily able to see it thereby, dodging it easily, and counter attacking. There were soldiers fighting by my side and those who were behind were supporting me through rifle guns.

The archers threw their arrows at the enemy's place, hitting several men. Some were hit right on their heads, their throats and some were severely injured. Bust most of them were able to dodge and continue fighting.

As seconds passed by, I was able to see that the soldiers I've killed were increasing in a mass amount. The carcasses were piling up on each other as I advanced forward. Their bloodcurdling screams were messing with my ears. Not really messing but rather, making me excited.

Just hearing the enemy scream makes me feel the strength and confidence of winning this battle.

I hope Bro and the others can make their way easily and kill that stupid general. As I clear the path, I saw three men and their general calmly watching the war.

"Not bad, Notherners." I heard the blue haired woman chuckle.

It made me slightly irritated as she watched her men getting slaughtered without feeling anxious or vexed. She felt so calm while watching the people fight and it seems as of her eyes were underestimating us. It was vexing me to slice my swords up to her throat and stop belittling us.

"Deidara, River, Nyau. Spare no one alive." She commanded. "I'll take care of their leader."

Three men who looked entirely different from the rest suddenly advanced to the front. The big man brought out a huge axe and began wiping the men who were fighting with me.



The man who was slender and had long silver hair ordered his gun men to unleash their bullets and shoot our people. More of my men began to fell on the ground and die. And the short kid brought out a flute and began playing, like hypnotizing the people around me.

I heard their cries as they suffered from the enemy's power.

This made me unbelievably irritated, my veins were popping out of wrists as I tightened my grip on my swords. I gritted my teeth in anger, the fury slowly building up in me.

"Tch..!" I exclaimed.

In that case, I'll take you out, one by one!

End of Chapter 2

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