Chapter 3

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Spring break started and we couldn’t be happier. Dylan and I didn’t go away for spring break like everyone else. We stayed home and went to the lake house every day. It’s been a few months after that wonderful night that we did it for the first time. We have done it whenever we had a chance but it wasn’t a lot. We were both busy with school and Dylan was busy with his sport too. I had spend more time in the bookstore because my dad had to go out of town to get the other stores ready for the summer season sales and my mother went with my father.

It was our first day of spring break and I waited for Dylan to come get me. He was supposed to be here an hour ago. I phoned his house but there was no answer. I was starting to get worried so I phoned his cell, it went to voicemail. I decided to get something to eat while I waited.

“Hallo sis, I thought Dylan was picking you up.” Allan came to stand next to me. “You are making omelets, can I have one too?”

“I will make you one.” I chopped an onion and a few peppers and bacon. I grated cheese and chopped a few tomatoes. I added salt and pepper and herbs. I placed it in a pan to cook and started on the eggs. “Dylan is running late.”

“Is everything still good with you two, something is off. The two of you were always together and the last couple of months you’re not. Did something happen?”

‘Yes we had sex and he didn’t like it so now he is avoiding me.’ That is how I felt but I couldn’t tell him that. He would kill Dylan. “Everything is fine; we were just both busy with our own things.” This excuse was all I could use on myself and others. The truth was actually that we were drifting apart. Dylan has been acting strange since we had sex the second time and all I could think is that he didn’t like it. He has been canceling dates and started going to parties without me something he never did. I even heard that he kissed a girl at one of those parties, but I didn’t have proof. He’s been late and sometimes didn’t show at all and didn’t bother to let me know.

“You are quiet, is something bothering you?”

“No, just worried about Dylan, his phone is off and the home phone is just ringing.”

“Don’t worry he is probably on his way.” He looked at me for another second or two and started setting the table. We ate in silence.

Dylan arrived just after the dishes were done and I was fuming mad. “Get the door please Allan.” I dried my hands and packed the last few things away.

“Hey Eva, sorry I’m late but I went for a run and forgot my phone at home and by the time I got back my battery was flat and it’s still charging in the car. I lost track of time.”

I turned to look at him. He was freshly showered and dressed in faded jeans and a white t-shirt. He looked guilty, for some reason I kept thinking it was not because he was late. “Flowers will not work this time Dylan. You keep doing this. What has happened to us, you changed into this ass. I thought I could keep doing this, but I can’t.” I thought Allan has left but only realized too late that he hadn’t. “Since we had sex you have been pulling away from me and I don’t know what I did wrong, was the sex bad?”

“You slept with him?” Allan was furious. “I thought you said you were going to wait?” He grabbed Dylan by his shirt and pressed him up against the wall. “I told you I will kill you if you hurt my sister.” Allan pulled his arm back to punch Dylan.

I saw everything in slow motion. Allan pulled his arm back with his fist aiming for Dylan. Allan was good when it came to fighting he was a pro kick boxer. “Allan don’t you will kill him. I am fine; it is not what you think. Please let him go.” Allan had a temper and that was his dark side. That is how he started with the kick boxing, the therapist said he should do a sport that would teach him control and in that way it would help him not to lose his temper so easily. “Its fine Allan, we are fine. Just let him go.”

Everyone has a dark side (Completed) (wattpadprize14)Where stories live. Discover now