19. hiking with my boyfriend. part 1

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𝙉𝙤 𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨 𝙥𝙤𝙫 :

Amber woke up and said to herself like usual "good morning me. This is gonna be a great day" she smiled. But when she opened her phone her smile dropped.

"Oh no........its Saturday..... And that means I have to go hiking with Desmond today...why did I agree him ugh" the girl sulked. She changed her clothes and brushes her teeth and hair. Then she got a text massage from her boyfriend

𝘔𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨 🥰

D- hey babe, just wanted you to know that I will be picking you up at 12am. I can't wait to go hiking with you.

The text read then I replied...

A - okay babe, love you 🥰🥰

Seconds later he replied..

D - love you to 😘

Amber was just packing her bag to go hiking with Desmond later when she got a knock on the door "who is it?" She asked

"It's me. Sofia" when she heard a reply she said

"Come in"

Sofia came in and asked amber why she was packing "oh. I am going hiking with Desmond today"

"Hiking? I thought you hated those kinds of things" she said with a puzzled look in her face

"Well y-yea but you know since Desmond offered me I couldn't say n-no r-right?"

"You got a point. Well I came here to collect my black dress that you borrowed yesterday"

Amber then frozed. Yesterday she borrowed Sofia black dress for a night out with her friends. When she tried the dress it was kinda tight but amber just shrugged thinking that it was fine as long as the dress didn't rip.

Well unfortunately when amber sat down to do her makeup. She ripped the dress.. And now there is a rip at the side of the dress

"O-oh u-uhm w-well..... Ah i washed it yesterday since it had a ketchup stain on the d-dress"  she gulped

Sofia looked at her suspicious...... But she said

"Oh okay" and just like that she walked out for the room. Amber was so relived that Sofia didn't find out.

"I probably need to fix that dress when I am back from this hiking trip."

𝘛𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘴𝘬𝘪𝘱 :

Desmond waited amber outside while looking at his watch "why is she taking so long... " but he doesn't want to complain. You know amber..

Desmond waited about 15 minutes when finally amber showed up

"Finaly let's go" Desmond took Amber's arm and they both enter the carriage...


"Oh my gosh this is so beautiful" amber awed at the view from the carriage as they land.

"Thanks for the ride" Desmond thanked the coach. The coach just nodded and said "I will pick you up later"

"Okay Desmond now where do we go?" Amber asked his boyfriend since he is the one with he map. Because there's no signal to use Google Maps. Genius.

"Uhhhh. We go that way" Desmond pointed.

They walked. Or should I say hiked up to the mountain

"Omg stop Desmond" amber gasped

Desmond stopped to see whats his girlfriend doing.

"Look I found this flower" she smiled and was about to pick it up when..

"NO AMBER DON'T TOUCH THAT" Desmond screamed and ran to amber

"You didn't touch that right?"

"Well no because you stopped me" she huffed

"Well good thing I did because that rose has allot of little spikes that can hurt you" he said worried

Amber just rolled her eyes "yea yea whatever" but inside she was feeling butterflies

'He's so sweet, caring, handsome, extraordinary, smart, brilliant, charming-'

As they continue to hike they are getting tired so they took a rest and sat at rocks.

Amber munched on a sandwich while Desmond drank water.

Everything was going smoothly for them. Because they already ate so they continue.

After a hour of walking amber was getting tired. So tired.

"Desmonddddd"  she said sweetly and clinging onto his boyfriend

"What do you want babe? Are you tired? We can sit down for a-"

"No I don't want that" amber sulked

"Then what do you want" Desmond cupped her beautiful girlfriends face

"I want you to carry me" she smiled

Desmond was like :


"Why do you want me to carry you when we can rest"

"Because I saw james piggy backed Vivian onces" she sulked

"Well that's because Vivian hurt her leg okay, your fine your not hurt or anythi-" he was cut again by amber screaming in pain


Desmond looked at amber worried then he scanned her. Then he saw it..

"Your fine amber, your feet just stepped on a sharp tiny rock. Your bleeding a little but I can fix you up come on"

Desmond then carried amber bridal style 🌝🌚

As Desmond putted her down he opened his backpack and pulled out a safety kit. He put alcohol then he wrapped her leg and asked

"Does it hurt when you walk?"

"Pretty much yes."

Desmond sighed "well I have no choice not to carry you now... "

And the rest of the hike Desmond practicly had to carry amber the whole way...

This wasn't hiking. This was a workout. As they reached at the top Desmond put amber down.

"Hey babe pose for this picture would ya" amber pulled out her camera and took some shots from Desmond.

"These came it great" as she looked through the pictrues


Desmond was eating a sandwich when amber asked

"Hey Desmond what's the password WiFi? I don't have signal here so I can't post your photos in my insta"

"There is no signal or WiFi here amber.... Don't you know that?" He looks at amber wierdly as amber screamed

"WHAT NO WIFI???? NOOO" she sulked

"Wait..... If we don't have signal.. How are we supposed to call for the driver to pick us up.. "

"Don't worry. The driver will pick us up later. He said so right? "

"Yea yea your right we just wait here then. "

The coach never came.... Well it did but.... Wait until the next chapter... See u 🌚🌝

𝙴𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 19

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