XIII- More Than a Feeling

Start from the beginning

"Where were you guys?" I ask, going back to the bathroom to brush my hair.

"We went and checked out the crime scene, it was a bust. There's nothing. They found finger prints of some dude and they're tracking him right now." I spin away from the mirror, then peak my head out of the bathroom to stare with wide eyes at them.

"What?" I say, "you went without me?" I ask and they nod.

"We thought you'd be too sick to get out of bed." Sam admits, smiling. I shake my head.

"Fine, whatever." I say. "So that's it?"

"Yeah, if it's just a man killing people we won't be any help." Dean says, turning off the TV. I walk back into the room they're in to get to my suitcase. I pick out my clothes quickly, then rush back to the bathroom to change.

Once I'm dressed, I rush over to the box of food Sam had given me and open it. Pancakes and sausage, perfect. I grab the small plastic fork they'd brought and dig in. The boys watch me with amusement in their eyes.

"What?" I ask, and they shake their head in unison. "Did you do something to this food?" I ask with food in my mouth.

"No," Sam says and I slit my eyes at them.

"I'm eating it anyway," I say, even if I don't trust them.

"No, we didn't do anything. How're you feeling?" Dean asks and I shrug.

"My head hurts, but it's fine." I say, peeking up at Dean. There's a look on his face that says he wants to ask me more. I look away, hoping he doesn't mention anything involving Mark. I seriously just wanted to forget it.

"There's something we need to do," I say, before they can mention last night again.

"What?" Sam asks and I smile.

"Yesterday I was visited by my guardian angel." I say, and Dean mumbles something. I ignore him. "She gave me the directions to where my box is."

"Layla..." Dean starts to say.

"How?" Sam asks. I shrug.

"She touched my forehead and, I don't know, marked a map. We need to go now." I say.

"Ok, how do we get there?" Dean asks and I smile,

"Let me lead the way."

A few hours later I'm heading down an interstate toward Virginia. As I'm driving, it's like I can see the turns just before I make them. I look in the rear view mirror to see Sam and Dean. Dean hasn't talked since I said I would take them to retrieve the box. Sam had happily agreed, ready to go, but Dean seemed weird about it. Whatever, he'll get over it I'm sure.

I pull off the highway, needing to use the bathroom. I find a small gas station, it doesn't look very clean, but it'll do. I wave at the boys, putting up a finger to tell them I'll only be a second.

I have to ask for the keys to the bathroom, and the man behind the counter reluctantly agrees after I tell him it's an emergency. I rush into the bathroom, ready to explode.

The bathroom, of course, isn't very nice. There's a nest of spiders under the sink, and I stare at them to make sure they don't attack me. Once I'm finished, I wash my hands and turn to the door. I scream and jump backwards. A man is standing there, smirking at me.

"What the fuck?" I yell at him. A low chuckle escapes him.

"I've been watching you." He says, and I swallow.

"What? Who are you?" I ask, getting the plunger from next to the toilet and holding it towards him like a sword.

"You don't recognize me?" The man asks, then his eyes change color before me. Yellow.

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