1 🛑 Copyright Infringement | Are U A Victim?

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* If you are able/willing to do a translation of this into your native language, please DM me, as I would like to make this accessible to as many people as possible.
* If you are reading this on any other site other than w.a.t.t.p.a.d, then you are reading stolen works. I wish I was being funny, but I'm not a comedian, and yes, I am aware this book has already been pirated. How's that for unintentional comedy? DON'T SUPPORT THEFT, STOP READING ON SHADY SITES.

So glad u asked

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So glad u asked.

Let me tell you.

Go to google right now, and search the name of your online published book/s.

Here's my own personal display of what you may find:

*If you are on PC or something prone to viruses, I don't recommend clicking on the link if you find something, as they are full of sussy looking ads

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*If you are on PC or something prone to viruses, I don't recommend clicking on the link if you find something, as they are full of sussy looking ads.

Horrifyingly, if I hadn't have visited the first links so often whilst trying to rectify this issue, the way it actually came up originally on my google search, was with NovelHD, at the top.

No, I did not publish on that website, nor had I ever heard about it before I'd been alerted to the presence of my works on there.

And yet, it was the top result.

11 months I went without being aware that my work had been redistributed to this site. And sadly, I have come to learn that there are a horrifying amount of victims that may not even be aware that they have had their work taken.

If you haven't heard of this situation until now, you are not alone

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If you haven't heard of this situation until now, you are not alone. I too was not aware. However it is time to raise awareness, as there is an enormous amount of people out there who are victim to comply right infringement.

Wattpad is one of the biggest stomping grounds for websites (often referred to as mirror sites) to compile works, and repost them to their databases for their own reading base.

In most cases, the author is still given credit. However on sites such as the one I fell victim to, novelhd, readers can give tips, to which never see the light of day at the author's end.

The title is kept the same (from the day of update on their end I assume considering I have changed the title slightly in the past few months), as are the cover, and every word within your work.

There is an exception however. If you thought maybe you should include a disclaimer at the beginning of your book like this author did:

It began with a kiss (Completed) - Copyright<BR>https://www.wattpad.com/1023122625-it-began-with-a-kiss-completed-copyright?utm_source=web&utm_medium=email&utm_content=share_reading

Unfortunately, you won't get very far, as writing "this story is only available on Wattpad," ends up having the word Wattpad, changed automatically to novelhd.com.

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If you happen to see this pop up on your feed, or hear about it through the grapevine, I would first encourage you to PLEASE FOWARD IT, REPOST, or SHARE it in any way you can, on any platform you have

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If you happen to see this pop up on your feed, or hear about it through the grapevine, I would first encourage you to PLEASE FOWARD IT, REPOST, or SHARE it in any way you can, on any platform you have.

Speaking from first hand experience, it is gutting to discover you have had your works effectively stolen, without even knowing, and the first thing you want to do, is work out how the hell you can get it down.

I'm going to do my best to include what I can in this book, and compile the different information I have been able to find, through scouring the internet from top to bottom. There is a lot of information out there, but it is confusing, and scattered, and a lot is outdated. I hope to provide a base for you to start from.

So if you are a victim, please keep reading, and if not, please share this on, in case someone you know, is.

Last note:

If you are reading this without a Wattpad account and would like to contact me about this, if you navigate to my profile, I have a beacons link with my various socials you can find me at. I will endeavour to help as much as I can.

Cheers, Eve~



Creative commons images from: https://www.pexels.com

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