A rough start (Prologue)

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(Third Person POV)

Getting accepted into an elite prep school wasn't what you expected if you were being honest. If anything, your parents enrolled you there as a joke. It was honestly kind of scary to you. But here you are now, in a brand new high school. You had already started to miss your only friend from middle school. Whatever, making a good impression was more important anyway.

(Your POV)

Walking into this new school was very intense, I felt a lot of stares being thrown at me.

Y/N: 'Is it because of my face?'

That was until I heard multiple gasps behind me. I turn around to see a very very VERY beautiful girl. She had this firm gaze towards the school building, she looked sort of anxious. I quickly turn around and run into the building to put my stuff away in my locker. While putting away my stuff I hear someone very familiar speak next to me

???: Ah, if your locker is here, then we must be in the same class!

I turn to the side to see something that shocked me. Lo and behold, the only friend I've made, Tadano Hitohito. I internally smile realizing he is in the same class as me. It still saddens me that I'm not able to smile naturally.

Tadano: Good mor-

He suddenly freezes and I look past him to see the girl from earlier. A very stoic look on her face. Now that I think about it, she was very attractive. Tadano looked like he was squealing from how beautiful she was, who could blame him? As I was about say something, she looked at us with this sort of... menacing aura.

'Did Tadano upset her? Did I upset her? Is she angry? Was I supposed to say something?'

(Third Person POV)

Just as you were about to apologize to her, she quickly walks right past the both of you. You were dumbfounded and could barely do anything. It took you a solid minute to process what was even happening. You heard someone talking you

Tadano: Y/N!? Is that you?

You look at Tadano and do your best to smile (failing miserably). Tadano was the only person that really interacted with you in middle school and you were glad to have a good friend like him. You decide to speak

Y/N: Y-yeah, it's m-me. H-how are y-you doing?

You internally cursed yourself for stuttering so much, you hadn't really socialized after middle school ended but instead just played Terraria or something. Though it is a good game to mess around with.

Tadano: O-oh! Hello there Y/N-san! 'This is bad! He knows about my chuunibyou phase!'

His face looked shocked. Before you were able to question it, you realized you had to get to class.

Y/N: Crap! We gotta get to class!

You quickly pull Tadano out of his thoughts by dragging him looking through classrooms. You decided to look for the pretty girl from earlier because she was in the same class as the both of you. You quickly stop realizing that you're at your classroom. You also realized that some of the students weren't here and you were early.

Oh well!

As you and Tadano split up, you had quickly moved to your seat. You were glad that it was an ordinary spot. You turn around to see Tadano sitting next to the beautiful girl from earlier.

Y/N: 'Huh, she doesn't seem to be angry.'

You couldn't say the same for a lot of your classmates though. A lot of them were looking at Tadano with a deadly aura, you honestly felt really bad. You just stood seated, just waiting for the teacher. During the introductions, you found yourself not really paying attention to anything, only waiting for your turn.

(Your POV)

Teacher: Next!

I had gotten up, but immediately wanted to sit back down because everyone was looking at me, I was nervous but everyone just looked at me like some sort of delinquent.

Y/N: I'm Y/N L/N, I hope we can be friends. 'Score! Didn't do anything embarrassing yet!'

I quickly sat back down and quickly started to observe the others. I had some time to think to myself

Y/N: 'Why does everyone look at me like I'm some sort of threat?! I don't even look strong enough to take anyone in a fight! It's probably because of my eyes, I probably look like some edgy male protagonist from a generic story with abusive parents or something like that. I wanna go home and beat Supreme Calamitas or something.'

(Third Person POV)

As you were thinking about how many times you had died to Supreme Calamitas on malice mode, you were rudely interrupted by the entire class cheering. You looked to on the board to see 'Komi Shouko' written on it, with a very beautiful girl standing next to said board. After that, Tadano had made an introduction and the entire class had just gone quiet with a malicious aura surrounding the entire classroom. He looked like he had just died.

Y/N: 'Poor Tadano...'

As the teacher called on the next student, another VERY beautiful girl who just so happens to be sitting behind you stands up.

???: I'm Nene Onemine! I hope we can all get along!

You feel your cheeks start to heat up... Wait, are you BLUSHING!? She looked very pretty and had this very caring aura around her. God you sounded like a 5th grader describing their crush. You snapped out of it only to see her looking back at you. She smiled at you... SMILED AT YOU?! You quickly turned back to the board. Your brain couldn't function anymore. Meanwhile Tadano, who just witnessed the small interaction between his old friend and a fellow classmate couldn't help but feel a little proud. (He didn't see you blush)


This is the first time I've written fanfiction. This probably won't get updated very often. Also if there are any mistakes, with grammar or anything you feel that isn't quite right, please try to let me know. I don't want to write anything with horrible grammar. (why am I talking like people are actually gonna read this?)

Derpy [Nene Onemine x M!reader] (Also previously known as 'Observe.')Where stories live. Discover now