Chapter Five

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Once Roman had parked the car at the Arena, we climbed out before getting our bags and waved at a few fans outside the entry who were screaming for us.

Roman grabbed my hand before walking inside the Arena and towards Roman's personal locker room.

I sat my bag down in the locker space before turning to look at Roman.

"All right, I'll see you guys later. I'm gonna go find Stephanie!" I sighed and he came up to me before grabbing my face in his hands.

"Relax, it's gonna be fine!" He assured and I nodded just as he leaned down to kiss me.

I walked out the locker room towards Stephanie's office before knocking on it and I heard a faint 'Come in'.

I opened the door and walked inside to see Stephanie sitting by her desk and she smiled at me.

"Alex, have a seat!" She beamed happily and I closed the door before sitting in front of her desk.

"I wanted to let you know that you have been working extremely hard over the years and I've come to the decision, that it's time to give you that big push!" She smiled and I looked at her confused.

"I'm putting you in a title match against Charlotte Flair at Wrestlemania!" She explained and I blinked a few times before letting out a little chuckle.

"Wait, are you serious?" I asked trying to process what she just said.

"Well considering that your husband is the face of the company we wanted to give you the opportunity to come out on top as well. And if you succeed,  Creative has a few storyline ideas for the both of you!" She smiled making me laugh as I tried to hold in the tears threatening to escape.

"I-- Can I hug you?" I asked making her chuckle.

"Of course you can!" She smiled before getting up and pulled me into a hug.

"You are an outstanding competitor, Alex, and I believe that you could be our next Smackdown Women's Champion!" She smiled pulling back from the hug.

"Thank you so much, Steph!" I sighed and she nodded.

"No need to thank me, you deserve it! But I do want you to deliver a segment tonight. Charlotte will be out there boasting about how great she is and it's honestly annoying!".  She stated with an eye roll making me giggle.

"I want you to interrupt her, talk a little smack and then challenge her for the title at Wrestlemania.  Since Paige is The General Manager she will come out and authorize the match". She explained making me nod.

"You got it, Steph!" I smiled.

"I'm counting on you, Alex! Charlotte is only the Champion because my father allowed her to cheat in the match. I want you on my side and win this fair game!" She pointed out.

"I won't let you down!" I nodded making her smile.

"I doubt you will!" She smiled.

"Good luck out there, Alex!" She nodded before I walked out her office.

I pulled out my phone to text Roman and see where he is.

My Tribal Chief🥵❤: Hey, babe! I'm done with Steph! Where are you?

BabyGirl❤❤: I'm in The New Day's locker room! Come through and tell me what happened!

I locked my phone before shoving it into my back pocket before walking down the hallway towards their locker room.

I opened the door and their attention turned to me making Jimmy pause the game he was playing against Big E.

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