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Seungmin exhaled sharply and fixed his outfit. He had done this plenty of times already, so another stage wasn't a big deal. He only ought to focus on keeping it professional, and it would pass in the blink of an eye. Just like any other day.

However, a few steps behind him was a rookie who seemed to be batshit scared.

"You poor thing" he thought.

His days as a rookie flashed before him. He was always twice as anxious as this boy, and he'd get terrible stage fright. Lucky for him, it didn't take long to get used to it.

He felt sorry for the rookie, because he knew what it's like to be surrounded by unfamiliar faces, he knew how stressful it could be to have to please an audience that expects everything from you, so he decided to give him some help.

"Hey, you!"

The boy raised his head.


"Yes. Are you preparing to go onstage?"


"Figured so. Is this your debut? I haven't seen you around before."

"N-no, it's actually my third stage. I'm from Ateez."

Seungmin's eyes lit up.
"Ooh, that's right. I loved your debut song, it's pretty cool."

"Thanks" the rookie smiled and fiddled with his fingers.

"What's your name?"


"I'm Seungmin. Nice to meet you."

Wooyoung seemed to have relaxed a bit. Seungmin took something out of his pocket and handed it to him.

"That is for you."

"F-for me?"

"Mhm. It's a good luck charm. I can see you're having some problems, so this should be helpful. It worked wonders on me, I assure you. You'll gain confidence in no time."

Wooyoung blushed.

"Are you sure you want me to keep it? It must be important for you."

"Nah, not really. It's yours now."

"Thanks. Means a lot to me." Wooyoung held the charm tightly and bowed.

"Anytime." Seungmin said, also bowing. "See you soon, pal."


Wooyoung crushed the stage that day. And every stage that followed after. It was crazy to him how a single person could give him the courage he needed in order to reach the top of his abilities. Was it his warm eyes? His soothing voice? Or just his presence in general? Whatever it was, Wooyoung had started to fall for Seungmin.

Seungmin secretly reciprocated his feelings. Wooyoung was the prettiest person he had met in his life, and despite only talking to him for two minutes, he was able to sense so much hidden potential beneath his frightened exterior. After his own stage was over, he stayed behind to watch Ateez perform and kept his eyes glued on Wooyoung, admiring his energy and enthusiasm. What he was worried about before, he couldn't understand.

They met again during another round of promotioms and Seungmin found the strength to ask him out. For coffee, food, or whatever he liked, it didn't matter. He wanted to get to know him. Needless to say, Wooyoung was on cloud nine. They went out on countless of dates, and by the time the two groups moved into the dorm, they had already been dating for over six months. Of course, no one knew. That they were, indeed, the first dorm couple.

STRAIGHTIES - a Stray Kids × Ateez fanficWhere stories live. Discover now