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Black represents lack of gender

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Black represents lack of gender.

Grey represents partial lack of gender.

Blue represents masculine genders.

Pink represents feminine genders.

Yellow represents genders that are neither feminine nor masculine.


Libragender is a gender that is mostly agender, but has a partial connection to another gender. Libragender individuals tend to feel between 1-49% of a connection to another gender.

Libragender is similar to demigender but is more specific. Demigender individuals can be partially any genders, agender does not necessarily have to be included. Libragender individuals are specifically partially agender and partially another gender, which agender outweighing the other part.

Libragender can be an umbrella term or can be used as a term of it's own. As an on own it can describe individuals who are mostly agender but feel a slight connection to the concept of gender (in general).

Is included in the international non-binary day on the 14th of July.

 Is included in the international non-binary day on the 14th of July

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