"This is beautiful but I love watching the stars."

"You remind me of a star. Precious, glowing and beautiful. My own little star."

"You big softie," I teased.

"Only for you and if you tell anyone I will flat out deny it. I have a rep to protect."

I rolled my eyes.

"I'm glad you took me up here. Its beautiful."

"I want to share all the best things in life with you. I have changed so much since I met you Raelyn. In a good way of course. I used to be this arrogant, pompous prick. You called me out on my bullshit and were so nice to me. You were forgiving and easy to talk to."

I simply nodded.

"You listened to me and asked me questions and didn't judge me on my past bullshit. Made me realise that I was given a second chance and I shouldn't waste it. And I'm trying my best not to."

"I didn't do anything but maybe not judge you based on who you were. I wasn't lying when I said that I noticed you in 6th year wondering around school looking miserable and scared. I wanted to talk to you loads of times to see if you were OK."

"You mean that time in the astromony tower?" He asked. "Or the time in Shrieking Shack?"

"I forgot about that time."

Flashback - Draco's POV

I had to get out of the castle. I needed to get away from everything for a while.

I knew one of passage out that wasn't guarded because everyone was too afraid to go near it.

Fuck sake it was only a tree. Fortunately I knew how to calm it to let me passed.

It was after curfew on a Friday night. The Ravenclaws were hosting a party in the Room Of Requirement so there would be plenty of students sneaking out.

Less chance of me getting caught.

I slipped on my cloak and slithered out of the portrait and down the corridor. I couldn't exactly use the front entrance but there was an exist in the end of the dungeon corridor.

The corridor was deathly quiet and pitch black. I walked quickly and quietly to get out as soon as possible. The only ones to patrol this corridor were Snape and Daphne Greengrass but I didn't really want to run into either down here.

Although I could pretend to be patrolling myself as I am technically a prefect.

I peaked around the corner to make sure the coast was clear before running to the door, unlocking and slipping through.

I kept close to the castle wall as I moved along and then took off at a run across the grounds, down the sloping lawn and towards my target.

I slipped my wand out of my pocket and conjured a large stick as I walked up to the whomping willow.

Stupid tree was a menace and why they kept it on school grounds I will never know but tonight I was thankful it, and more importantly its passage where here.

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