
My senses slowly returned, though my eyes still felt like pieces of rock. My sense of smell returned first, and I was hit smack in the face with the smell of chemicals, and medicines.

'I was probably in a hospital,' I decided.

My hearing came soon after, and I was jolted to hear the same voices I had always heard speak.

"-about time we pulled the plug, don't you think?" A male voice spoke, perplexing me.

"I agree. For how long can we continue to do nothing, but just hope for a miracle?" This time, a feminine voice sounded.

"No! Please, give her a few more days!" Another female spoke.

That voice. . .

Why did hearing that voice give me a pang of nostalgia? It wasn't soothing in any way, yet why did I almost recognise it?

I couldn't ponder it for long, because the next statement completely threw me off:

"Ma'am, it's already been over a month since she was admitted, three weeks since she was last operated on, and two weeks since she fell into a coma."

x x x

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