Be-Stardel Boarding School

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“Jackie you are sentenced to serve a year at Be-Stardel Boarding School. While you are there you will attend every class you are given when you arrive tomorrow morning. You will follow the rules. If you fail to do so you will be sentenced four years in jail. But if you are able to do so then at the end of your year sentence at the boarding school your hole record will be swept clean and you will have no charges against you. Is that clear?” The judge says.

Jackie Winster looks up from her chair where she is slouching in and just rolls her eyes and blows a bubble then lets it pop making a loud echo in the courtroom.

“My client agrees your honor.” Her lawyer says as she looks at Jackie and then at the judge.

“Alright well court is adjured.” The judge says and bangs his mallet.

Jackie stands up with her hands in her sweatshirt pocket and walks out of the courtroom before anyone can say anything to her.

She walks out of the courthouse and down the steps she hears her lawyer yelling her name behind her but she keeps walking. She shouldn’t even be here she thinks to herself. It wasn’t her fault that stupid idiot got in the way and got shot. Not her fault.

She walked over to her step fathers car and got in and waited for him to get in after her.

“Why didn’t you wait for your lawyer?” He asks as soon as he gets in and shuts his door.

“Didn’t want to.” She says as she slips on her sunglasses and puts in her headphones. But before she could hit play on her iPod in her pocket he takes out the earbuds by pulling the wire towards him.

“What the hell?!” She yells rubbing her ears looking at him.

“This boarding school is your last chance Jackie. If you screw this up you don’t get another chance don’t you get that? Your mother can’t handle anymore of this.” He says as he starts the car and pulls away from the courthouse.

“Then send me the hell away. Just like you both want to. Stop threatening me with it and do it. I don’t care anymore don’t you get that?!” She yelled as she opened her door. He slammed on the break and she gets out of the car and slams the door shut and walks away from the car.

He opens his door and gets out. “Where the hell are you going?” He yells from where he stopped.

“I’ll be home in time for you both to ship me off to that wack ass boarding school. Don’t worry about that!” She says as she puts in her earbuds, lifts her hood up and puts it on her head then hits play and just walks away.

The bus stops in front of the house. Jackie rolls her eyes as she reads the name on the bus. B.S.B.S. Just wonderful she says to herself. Her step father Greg hands her bags to the bus driver who places them in the bus’s storage department. Her mother wraps her arms around Jackie while she just stands there. When her mother pulls away she sees her 4 year old daughter standing at the front door holding her blanket that she never let go of.

Jackie sighed then walked over to the small girl standing in the doorway.

“Where mommy going?” She asked.

Jackie bent down and sighed once again and hugged the small child close to hear.

When she pulled somewhat away she looked at her and put her forehead against hers.

“Whatever they tell you about mommy don’t you believe it one bit okay. Mommy loves you and she’s doing what she needs to do. When I get back it will be just me and you. And we can go anywhere you want okay?” She said.

The small girl smiled and nodded, Jackie saw the tears forming in her eyes.

“Aw Monica don’t cry baby. Mommy will call every chance she gets and we can talk as long as you want. But Monica baby you make sure you tell me everything Grandma and Grandpa tell you okay, I’ll call in the morning to talk to you and I’ll even tell you a bedtime story over the phone okay?” Jackie said rubbing Monica’s shoulder.

She nodded then they hugged once more and said goodbye. Jackie kissed her on the forehead and walked over to the bus. Her mother tried to hug her again but Jackie stopped her.

“If you tell her one lie about me I swear Dom will be here so quick you wont comprehend what the hell just happened. You understand me. You won’t be telling my daughters lies about me.” Jackie said as she turned and walked toward the bus. She looked back at Monica who stood in the doorway waving with her blanket holding close to her heart. Jackie smiled and blew her a kiss, Monica smiled and did the same.

Once Jackie boarded the bus she noticed other teens her age all sitting alone, which Jackie took as a good idea so she walked into the back of the bus and sat at a window seat on the right. She waved once more and the bus drove away from the house.

Jackie put in her earbuds and pressed play then slowly started to close her eyes. Monica baby this is all for you. Mommy loves you!

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