The fire haired girl - [Aloy]

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It was a lovely morning in Mothers Watch. A young (h/c) haired Nora girl named (Y/N) was standing at a river and threw pebbles across the water surface. Other kids played a few meters away from her, collecting beeries but (Y/N) wasn't interested. She liked to be on her own or she rather wants something new. Other then just playing with children she already knows. She wants to explore, to see what else there is than just Mothers Watch but her mother said it was to dangerous, there could be machines or outsiders. Though (Y/N) never understood the concept of outsiders, for her it only seemed cruel.

Interrupted from her thoughts something catches (Y/N)'s eyes. Something red. A fox. Foxes where (Y/N)'s favourite animal, the pretty red fur that shined so beautifully in the sun, making it look like fire. (Y/N) admired the fox, standing there in the sun looking directly at her. It seemed like the fox wanted to show her something. Then the fox moved and of course without thinking it through (Y/N) followed. The fox started to get faster and faster and so (Y/N)'s little legs tried to keep up and ran as fast as they could, but suddenly the fox took a sharp turn and not being able to take the turn (Y/N) tripped, falling down the hill. Bumping into someone.

„Ouch" (Y/N) heared. That sounded like someone her age. Curious (Y/N) opened her eyes to see that in fact it was a girl her age with beautiful red hair, lying on the floor. „I'm so sorry" (Y/N) said offering a hand wich the strange girl gladly took. „It's ok. It's the first time I see you. Are you an outsider like me?" the red head asks, while (Y/N) helped her up. „No I'm (Y/N) and live with my mother in Mothers Watch. What about you?" she answered. „Well I'm Aloy but I don't think you are supposed to be talking to me. Like I said I'm an outsider, it could get you in trouple." the girl named Aloy said worringly. (Y/N) laughed „I know my mother told me not to say something like that but I think outsiders are a very stupid concept. I don't care what everybody else thinks. It's mean.". Aloy looked surprised thinking about it. „Well... maybe we can be friends?" she asks shyly. (Y/N) smiled „Sounds good!".

„ALOY!" A man shouted from the distance „ALOY!". Aloy looks over to me „I should go. See you tomorrow here again?" „Of course." (Y/N) said, giving a thumbs up. Aloy smiled and ran towards the men's voice. (Y/N) goes home thinking about her new found friend. Finally something exciting happened. (Y/N) can't wait for tomorrow to start.

„(Y/N) you're home just in time for dinner." (Y/N)'s mother said with a smile giving the girl a kiss on her cheek. „So did anything exciting happened today?" the mother asked. (Y/N) thought about it and answered „No, nothing new." And began eating. After dinner (Y/N) went up to her room getting ready for bed. As she is laying in bed trying to sleep she thinks about Aloy, her new friend and about her beautiful red hair, which shines like fire in the sun. Just like the fox that lead her to her.

„What a coincidence." (Y/N) thought.

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