*Chapter 25: I love you

Start from the beginning

"I . . . Are you sure?"

I gave him my most what-the-hell expression after that. It was not what you should ask a girl after she had just confessed to you. "Yeah . . . For a while actually." Surprisingly, words seem to roll out perfectly out of my tongue instead as I responded. One was to confess, but changing the point by complaining about his reaction was something I wasn't prepared to do. "Sorry for not replying, when you told me earlier, you know." I bit my lip. I would have liked to know what went on his mind at the moment. Was I right to tell him how I felt so soon? Have I done something wrong by initiating the kiss? My cabbage, are you still edible cabbage?

"I don't know what to say." Why, I see that myself.

"So, I'm just going to kiss you once again to tell myself that what just happened was real," and with that he pulled my chin upwards so that I could look at his eyes that held . . . love? It was the first time I saw his face with that look, and I liked what I saw so damn much. Believing that I could just fall for another side of Blake at that moment, I nodded. I wanted another kiss just as much as he did.

"Are you sure that I can?" he inquired as I grinned. Ha, Child Blake, even you have this moment when you have to ask for my permission to kiss me again! And so I shyly nodded again. This side of Blake was so cute that I wanted to hug him and take his breath away. And soon enough, his lips were back on mine again, at that moment I could only think about never getting tired from kissing him. It was so relaxing, so needy, so right.

It was the way I could convey how I felt about him and unlike other kisses where I was drawn by the lust he had for me, this one was so tender and caring, making me realize a completely different way of kissing. It was as if I could feel all the love he had for me with all the feelings he held in his heart.

And I gladly returned them to him.

Time seemed to stop for us before we pulled away. It seemed like a whole eternity passed while we shared that kiss, but it was probably just around a minute in real time. I moved my head into the croak of his neck trying to calm my heart, but then I heard his own which was like a lullaby, specially beating for my ears only.

God did I love this man.

"I don't think I'll get tired of this," he said, his breaths still harsh on my ears as I could only nod. Tired of kissing him? Not in this life nor another.

"Me neither," I replied, finally calming down my own heartbeat, my breathing normal like nothing ever happened. I learned to hide my real feelings around Blake, not wanting to reveal that I have started falling for him before, so I knew how to hide those effects he invoked in me.

Even so, his embrace was my favorite place. Sure, he had made me cry before, but it was definitely worth it. Never in my life did I think that I'd be happily engaged, before twenty at that because I honestly never had a time to spare for those fantasies. Before my parents died, I used to live recklessly, not appreciating the life they gave me. After the accident, I only thought of surviving with Ayden. So at the moment, even if it was unexpected, I was so glad to have gotten a chance to love someone, especially someone like Blake.

"Finish with your meal," I gently scowled at him and he made a horrible attempt to pout, but sounded cute nonetheless. Should I have named that version of him Lovesick Blake? No, he probably wasn't in love with me that much.

"Fine, woman. I will," he said before lifting up another sandwich, and I grabbed one as well. Fed belly, happy life. That was what my mother used to say for family dinners.

"I must say that I'm glad I'll be marrying you," he said, chewing down with an open mouth. I gasped. Pig.

"Where are your manners, Sir?" I taunted him, who only raised his eyebrow in return.

"I already told you that I'm no gentleman when there are no ladies around," he countered and I laughed. Some things never changed, especially Blake.

"Isn't it a bit dark in here?" I asked him and he raised his other eyebrow making me glare at him instead. I didn't think that I'd ever stop being jealous of his ability to look intimidating. Why didn't I have eyebrows like his?

"Once we're done with this meal, let's go upstairs. I believe that you're tired," he said. "Wanna cuddle and chill?"

I couldn't suppress the smile on my face for his choice of words.

"Are you sure it's not you who's actually tired?"

He only shook his head, excitement written all over his face as he winked at my way.

"I believe I have already told you that I have lots of stamina, munchkin," he said. I playfully smacked his chest. "But you're right, let's go to sleep, you're good to cuddle with if nothing else," he added. We finished eating in some fifteen minutes, leaving behind an empty plate as we ate everything before we went to our room. Blake said to leave the plate in his study and that he was going to take care of it later or tomorrow, probably too lazy to deal with it now.

"So, I guess that you want to hear the rest of the story now, no?" Suddenly, he nervously patted the back of his head and after a moment of silence, I shook mine. It was more than enough, knowing that he gathered enough strength to even try and tell me the rest of his history. I was fine with slowly unraveling him layer by layer. He wasn't that bad, really.

"There's no need for it. We'll have plenty of time in the future for that. Besides, I believe that we should go to sleep already, I can't wait to cuddle," I told him my sincere thoughts, earning a genuine laugh from him in return. Our day started crazily, so hectic and now we were closing it with cuddling.

"Sure," was his reply as he came in the bed before taking off his shirt and patting the place next to him for me to lay down.

"We don't change our clothes?" I asked and he rolled his eyes before laying down and covering himself.

"Take whatever you want from my wardrobe. I won't look, I promise," he said, covering his head as I nodded before turning to his wardrobe to look for something to wear. A single shirt and trousers of his seemed enough for me as I changed into them frowning when I remembered that Blake went to sleep without his shirt. Was he not cold? It was January, after all.

Glancing back at the bed where Blake remained as I left him, I saw that he really wasn't looking at me, hidden beneath the blanked. Smiling, I slowly joined him before he pulled me closer to him, the warmth his body radiated made me not want to pull away as I gladly embraced the sleep that consumed me.

True, maybe we young ones rush to know the future too soon and that might've really become our downfall. But it takes a single person on our long journey called life for us to learn to brake and pull us back when we stray and lose our pace.

That's why we seek love. That's what true lovers and people who care for us do. That's why, we know of trust.

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