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"Oh my goodness, its a human!"

"Shsh, its waking up."

Flickering his eyes open, he met two really weird creatures. One was wearing a bright green hoodie with a mask thats has a drawn smile on it with probably a marker. Looks to have a dirty blonde hair from the one strand of hair poking out from the crack between the mask and the hood. While the other was wearing a black cloak with red stripes on the ends of it all way down to his feet. His skin was void black, two long horns poking from the ends of the hood on his face, his tail behind his back tapping the floor in excitement, only his glowing purely white eyes and mouth could be seen on his face. Though as scary as it was described, he doesnt seem that scary. His eyes reads no evil.

"Wh-where am I...?" The human asked hesitantly as he gained consciousness. His limps felt numb but as soon as his vision cleared, he fully realises that he is definitely not anywhere he is familiar with. His arms and legs are chained to a wall behind him and they're not allowing him to move his limbs freely. His head ached as he was immediately hit by a wave of panic. 'Where was he? Who are these two creatures in front of him? Are they going to hurt him? Whats going on?! Whats happening!?' A million questions ran into his head while he was struggling against the chains, starting to hyperventilate.

"Alright, seems very aggressive, lets take note of that..."

"Hey, hey, chill. We're not going to hurt you." The masked one said sternly but he didnt listen, "Hey! Calm down!" He raised his voice  but the human still didnt listen. The only things he has in mind is to get out of here, he was driven into panic real quick.


"Stop Dream! There's a chance he doesnt even know what you're saying!" The demon exclaimed when the human just stopped and froze in fear. Tears were already forming in his eyes due to fear as his mind raced even higher and his breathing became more unstable that he thinks he's going to die of suffocation.

"Ohhhh great! Now he's crying."

"Wait he is?"

"Stop crying human!-"

"Dream! What did I say about threatening the subjects often? We're going to receive the wrong results!" The demon exclaimed

"But how was I supposed to make him stopped moving around? I did try to be soft with him, you saw that right?" The supposed Dream exclaimed

"True but you werent doing it right."

"Oh yea right, how could I possibly do it wrong?" Dream asked

"Give me a try?"

"Yea sure go on, I doubt he'll talk." Dream said

The demon stepped closer to the human who seemed to back off a little in fear. The demon bent down to his height and introduced, " understand me?"

At first the human didnt respond so Dream was about to comment to him before he saw the human move a little and hesitantly nod. The demon smiled, "My name is BadBoyHalo, you can call me Bad and that is my friend Dream. Whats yours?"

The human hesitates again before responding with a soft voice, "T-Tom S-Simons. B-but my friends like to call me Tommy."

"Well hello Tommy, its nice to meet you." Bad smiled a caring smile relieving Tommy a little, "Can you confirm that you're indeed human?"

Tommy took a few moments and nodded as well. He slowly brings his lips to smile as well. Making Bad's heart melt in happiness for the first time in years.

"D-do you know where Mom and Dad is...?" Tommy asked hesitantly still searching for his family.

"Aww...Dream, he's looking for his parents!" Bad exclaimed

"Ugh whatever, lets put him in his cell and run some tests with him." Dream said leaving

Tommy's heart sank, "C-cell...?"

"Ignore him, here let me help you." Bad said going over to the chains and unlocking them with his telekinesis. When Tommy is free, Bad told Tommy to stay close to him. But Tommy's legs are still weak so at the first step, he stumbles over and was caught by Bad who ended up helping him get to his first testing place.

There, Tommy was asked about everything about him.

"I-I'm Tom Simons, I am 10 years old, I am a human from Earth and- and I like listening to music and play games." Tommy answered to the odd looking mic that he was told to answer to after that, his first test begun and it was his intelligence test.

He was told to solve a maze puzzle, first on a paper which he immediately done so easily and then a real maze which he finished easily as well, next he needs to solve a level primary jigsaw puzzle for like 4 -8 years old. He started to think that they're idiots. He solved them pretty quickly as well before he came across a water sort puzzle. Now he havent done this before but after he was told on what to do, he immediately finish them in about 2-3 minutes. Surprisingly, Tommy was having a ton of fun. The next test was creativity test.

After doing more tests, Dream and Bad agreed that currently humans are currently the most intelligent and creative beings they ever got and is up there one of the top creatures to be in the facility.
Word count: 947
I havent done this in so long omg-

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