I bowed my head. He's right. This Devil Fruit is useless... but, I don't want to watch other people suffer the fate of being stuck here because of Moria's sick plans.

"Please! I promise I will devote my life to find a way to, just don't hurt them anymore!" I pleaded and begged, desperate to do something that could be of use.

Moria just ignored my plea, telling Oars to continue on. "Let's see. Three left. Oh, wait. Or is it four?"

I widened my eyes. I couldn't do anything. I shut everything around me out, feeling drained. I thought back to how I wasted my life away in a cell, repeating the same motions over and over again.

It all changed, because the Straw Hats came to this place, causing trouble for Moria. The only reason I was able to live was because they helped me, a nobody. Why is that? Why help someone like me, a complete stranger? I just don't get it!

I drowned in my thoughts I wasn't aware of the fighting, and the yells, or even the thuds of the feet closing in on us. Everything just... disappeared.

"Crush them! Crush them all! Stomp them 'til there's nothing left to stomp!" I hear Moria's menacing voice. "And when you're done here, crush the ones we've already beaten! They're still breathing, you know? Especially her! You have a job to do-"

I placed my hands over my ears, attempting to block out his voice. Go away, I don't want to hear your voice anymore! Go away! Go away! Go away! I chanted in my head over and over, tears running down my face.

I was clueless to the fact that Oars was being overpowered and the fact that one of the pirate crews that have been stuck on this island were here, until I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Hey, are you okay?"

I snapped out of it, letting go of my ears and looking up to my left. "I-uh..." I stumbled over my words, staring at a woman with pink braids.

"Hey, it's going to be okay. He will defeat Moria." The woman assured me, seeing my tear stained face.

"Huh?" finally coming to my senses, I asked the woman, confused at what she was talking about.

"See for yourself, Oars is now being overpowered." She looked passed me.

I looked over in the direction she was looking, seeing someone slam Oars onto his back. "Wha-" I watched as he was being thrown around. "Who is that?" I questioned.

"That's that pirate, Straw Hat Luffy." She simply replied as her crew, Usopp, and a girl with orange hair joined us. "Or should I say Nightmare Luffy. We placed 100 shadows in his body, causing him to look like he does."

"Yeah, I don't get it." Usopp spoke up.

"He's 'Nightmare Luffy'?" The girl, who I assume is Nami, questioned unsure.

"So just to be clear, you stole a hundred shadows from the zombies, then stuffed them into Luffy's body, and that's what made him so big?" Usopp repeated what the woman told us.

"Yes, exactly right." She turned to Usopp, confirming. "It gave him the strength he needed."

"To be honest, when we saw him transform we got pretty freaked out ourselves."

"Either way, that power of his is only gonna last another two or three minutes. After that, all the shadows will go flying out of his body and he'll go back to normal."

Two men spoke up beside the woman. "I know we sprung this on him without asking or anything, But we just want to be human again! we just wanna see the sun and leave this island, no matter what it takes!" The first guy spoke up again.

"I know it's crazy, but it's the only way!" The second guy added.

"No it's not crazy." I earned glances from them, "Anyone in your shoes should've done the same. I'm just like all of you, I want to be able to see the sun again, feel the breeze, smell the ocean, and so much more. I've been stuck here for so many years that I forgot what the ocean looked like... can you believe it?" I rambled on, forgetting that I was talking out loud.

"Your that girl from before..." I heard someone mumble. "You will get to experience all those things again, I'll make sure of it."

I look over to see it was Nami who spoke. "You- you will...?" I was hesitant to ask, thinking I imagined it.

She gave me a smile. "Of course!"

I wiped the remainder of my tears, a small smile forming on my face. "Thank you..."

"The morning is almost upon us now." The woman spoke up, glancing at the sky. "In the next few minutes, the fate of every last victim on the island will be decided. Fight well, Nightmare Luffy. We're all counting on you."

"No matter the odds stacked against him, he always pulls through..."

"He isn't the kind of guy that will let any harm come to those he considers his Nakama, he hates people like that. He thinks before he acts a lot, but he always pulls through in the end."

"Let me handles this. I promise, I'll defeat him."

I put all my faith in you Straw Hat. Take down Moria. Then I can finally be free...

Published: 04/28/2022
Updated: 06/08/2023

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