Chapter 7 : Little Things ?

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Heeey Chapter 7 the same day I updated Chapter 6 ? haha yea I'm just that awesome ! no just kidding. But enjoy ;-)

Chapter 7

Niall's *POV*

Liam walked over to us finally but he did not look happy. hmm... I think I am not the only one that noticed. Louis walked out of the ocean and looked at Liam and then at me confusion in his face.

''Hey Li are you okay ?'' I asked finally after alot of thinking.

''She was just about to tell me her name'' He said but it looked like he was mostly talking to himself. by now all of the guys were here and all very confused.

''Who Liam ? What are you talking about ?'' Harry asked while taking a seat in the sand. Liam didnt answer for a while just looked behind his shoulder. Then finally after a few minutes he looked at us sighing.

''Guys she was here'' he says like its oubvious.

''I'm sorry mate are we supposed to know who she is ?'' Louis asked what we were all thinking. I started kicking sand with my feet and we starting to walk with our van.

''Guys you all remember the red headed girl from youtube right ?'' Liam asked and Harry's head snapped up so fast.

''Yeah we do'' we all said.

''She was soo close to telling me her name today!'' Liam said a little frustrated.

Sam's *POV*

WOW ! what is up with me and meeting cute guys in weird ways. I sigh shaking my head. Ohh my head is hurting a little from that football.

''Hey it's getting a little dark we have been here a long time apperantly'' Jenn says laughing. she starts to roll up the towels and pack all the stuff we brought like books, sunglasses etc. I take the two bags from her and start walking to Blinky (My car) when I was there I saw a black van and there was a guy with curly hair in the passenger seat looking a bit sour. Hmmm what's up with him. Ohh well not my buisness. I put the black beach bags in the backseat and started walkin to the door to the driverseat. I took one more look at the van to she the curly headed boy looking at me in awe. What ? Well, Okaaaay then. I saw Jenny coming so I gave the guy a weird look and opened the door to the car and got in. Jenn got in a few secounds later and turned on the radio.


Your hand fits in mine

Like it's made just for me

But bear this in mind

It was meant to be

And I'm joining up the dots

With the freckles on your cheeks

And it all makes sense to me.

Wow this guys voice is so unbeliveble !


I know you've never loved

The crinkles by your eyes when you smile

You've never loved

Your stomach or your thighs

The dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine

This song is great it's ideal for teenage girls everywhere.

[Zayn + Liam]

But I'll love them endlessly


I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth

But if I do, it's you,

I got lucky 1D fan fic {COMPLETED}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang