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Still in shock from everything that had happened, all events after her fiery initiation remained a blur to Katerina - she wasn't sure how and when she got out of that cursed room, where she was being taken, and who was telling her what was going on in the meantime.

"Do you have any question?", his voice made her look from where it was coming from and she saw Popov looking at her questioningly. She shook her head, in no mood for any kind of comment. ''Are you OK?''

His concern seemed genuine, and Katerina let out a soft breath.

''I guess,'' she said shortly, at least for a while dissuading him from questioning again. He nodded and pursed his lips.

"Then we're done," he exhaled. "This is your room. Your personal belongings will be delivered to you in the morning. Someone will come later to clean your wound,'' he said, gesturing to her chin with his hand. "If you need anything, contact any of us."

Opening the door, he let her into the room she would call her own from now on.

"Will I be able to see my mother?" Katerina asked him sadly. Andrej watched her for a few moments in silence.

"After what you did in the negotiation room, I'm afraid you won't."

She bit her lip, expecting such an answer. She reluctantly nodded and began to look around the room, turning her back on him and letting him know the conversation was over. He seemed relieved by that, not knowing how to proceed with the conversation. The planning for the fight and fight itself was nothing compared to telling a young girl who had never left home that she would never see her mother again.

Hearing Popov close the door behind him, she was finally left alone – alone in her thoughts, her pain and her not understanding how any of this is possible. She did not want to look and admire the huge room that was decorated with canopies and expensive bed linen in golden color, nor the furniture that exuded elegance and costliness.

She dropped to her knees and wailed like a little child. She wrapped her arms around herself as if she was unsuccessfully protecting herself from everything that befell her. She wailed the way her mother had taught her – as all the women of the Alekseev line were taught.

"Cry in the four walls of your room as if you are regretting and aching with every part of your body. Cry, scream, and sob as much as you need to. Then, stand up like a proud Alekseev and go out in front of everyone with a smile that no one will be able to remove from your face. Show them how strong Alekseev's women are. We do not show our weaknesses. We are the Alekseev Lionesses.''

Katerina stood in the bathroom for a long time hissing at her reflection in the mirror. While trying to reduce the swelling from crying she heard a knock on the door. She prayed it was not another attempt to show off her newfound powers and approached the door hastily. In front of her were Fyodorov and a girl in a purple uniform, with black hair and an exotic complexion, a little shorter than he was.

"Katerina, you have to come to dinner so that everyone can get to know you!" Fyodorov said excitedly.

"Luka Fyodorov!", the girl slapped him on the upper arm, visibly shocked. "How are you talking to the princess?"


"Forgive his lack of manners, princess. People in Lakehorn are not known for good breeding,'' she turned to her and bowed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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