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    “Hi Codykins!!” Sierra yells loudly as usual, disrupting the peaceful day Cody was having. “Oh uh, hi Sierra” Cody said slightly uncomfortable as he usually was when around the obsessive girl. Sierra starts rambling on about how she’s going to love and take care of Cody all day “then I can feed you and kiss you, but don’t worry I already know you have allergies.” Sierra states, hugging onto Cody like he’s a stuffed bear instead of a fragile boy. “Hey Sierra, van you maybe-“ Cody starts before Sierra kisses him. (A/N:fuck you Sierra) Suddenly something hits Cody, he feels uncomfortable and terrified, a feeling wells up in him, a lump in his throat and tears in his eyes he runs away. “Wait Codykins I didn’t even get to give you a foot massage!” Sierra yells at the running teen. Cody runs for about 5 minutes before ultimately getting tired and sitting down. All these emotions hit at once, why was he letting her do this? Why him? He just wanted it to all be over. That’s when the tears started, first slowly, small tear drops streaming down kiss cheeks. Then comes the hard crying, Cody pulls he knees into his chest and begins to sob, heavy stinging tears roll quickly down his face. Making his eyes sting. 


    Laine wakes up, slowly rising out of her bed, still exhausted from yesterday’s challenge. She lazily rolls out of bed and gets dressed before strolling outside to find her nerdy companion. “Good morning Laine!” Gwen shouts from the breakfast hall. “Morning Gwenny, do you know where Co is?” Laine asks, hoping she did. “Nope, ask Sierra, she’s the one who’s like- obsessed with him.” Gwen says rolling her eyes  while saying Sierras name. “Alright, thanks Gwenny.” Laine says genuinely and walks away to go talk to Sierra. “Hey Sierra do you know where Co is?” Laine asks, trying not to set off the crazy fangirl. “Codykins ran into the forest a bit ago!” Sierra said, making a dreamy face while saying the name of the boy. “Okay thanks.” Laine says before jogging into the woods. Laine searches for about 7 minutes before finding him. “Hey Co, there you ar- “ she began before noticing the sobs coming from the small male. Her heart sunk as she dropped to her knees beside him “A-are you okay Cody?” Laine asked in a panic, Cody looked up at the female, his eyes pink and puffy and his cheek tear stained. “I-it’s just S-Sierra, she’s s-so c-c-creepy and won’t l-leave me Al-one.” Cody says through sobs and sniffles, Laine scoots closer the the boy and wraps her arms around him, hold him tightly. “I’m so sorry Cody, is there anything I can do for you?” Laine says, feeling Cody’s arms wrap around her aswell. “Not much, just don’t leave me please” Cody answered, calming down a bit after feeling the comfort that Laine inflicted of him. “Cody, you’re so sweet, I would never leave you, I’ll always be here for you and you could never do anything to stop me from staying with you.” Laine says reassuringly, squeezing Cody gently three times. (A/N This means I love you btw). Cody feels warm, like as soon as Laine hugged him he was wrapped in a warm blanket. “Thank you Laine… for caring.” Cody says, looking up at the taller female, “I’ll always care, love you loser.” Laine says sincerely, Cody blushes a bit, having never heard the words “ love you” come out of a girls mouth towards him other then Sierra and his mom. Cody smiles up at Laine,  still sniffling. Laine smiles back before standing up and offering Cody a piggyback ride, Cody jumps on and Laine walks him back to his cabin, she lays him down gently, as if he could break any moment. “Get some sleep, I bet your tired after all that crying” Laine says softly, Cody nods in response, closing his eyes he feels a small kiss being placed on his forehead. “Night Co” Laine whispers walking away as Cody drifts off into sleep. 

*With Laine* 

    Laine gently shuts Cody’s cabin door before she feels a boiling anger inside her, storming up to Sierra she punches her right in the face. “Don’t touch Cody ever again you sick *BEEEPPPPP*.” Laine says angrily. “Okay okay fine!” Sierra yells, clearly threatened. Laine nods before going back into Cody’s cabin to wait for him to wake up, not wanting him to wake up and be alone. She watches as the boys chest rises and falls, and she smiles. “You deserve so much more love then you’re given, you sweet boy”. Laine whispers gently before brushing a piece of hair away from the tired boys eyes. 



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2022 ⏰

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