tubbo's past corruption

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(>>--------    oh  my fucking God here is the story now stop being selfish for this chapter to arrive    ---------<<)

|                                         kingdom                                            |
|                                               is                                                   |
|                                         corrupt                                              |
|                               tubbos corruption                                     |

"Hehe papa lets go play with Teagan you know how she is when you don't come play with us"i said with my enthusiasm tone that I say every morning just to convince my father to play with us

------------------------------tubbo the narrator------------------------------

Long ago I was a child in a wonderful Kingdom with my loving father and mother or so I thought it was lovely and wonderful.
At the age of 5 my baby sister Lani was born when my Dearing mother has woken up, my father was awake before my mother was awoke and my father was a goat hybrid when my mother was the embodiment of peace and harmony so her species was [redacted] and so her appearance to the kingdom looked human.

My mother was as a enthusiastic as me and teagan combined one morning at 7:50 her water broke.

------------------------------------back to story--------------------------------------

6:15 me and teagan was awake and reading books so boring to be in this royal family when my sister is older than me Also she wears this beautiful purple dress and she has a black corset , but she would normally reject every suitor that father gives her(tegan is 13 in this backstory)that's because she is 13 and not old enough to get married to a man who might be too old for her.

---------at 7:48----------

Me and Teagan was in the library reading books since it was
Early in the morning and we had the keys because
Father allowed us to have them like because if we had
Nothing to do we had to read books about fairy tales and
Greek mythology and maybe the ancient Greek culture father
Suggested us to read when him and mother are doing work
Learning the ancient Greek will help you with history
Mother has told me so many things about Greeks and God's
She has quite the interest in many forms of gods
From Greek to demi gods
Her favorite gods were aphrodite and Apollo and theseus
Theseus was the demi-god of strength and battles

(Yes I research gods irl also I might get a library card
To purchase greek mythology books)

----------7:48 ---------

Mother was awake and she laid in her bed for about a minute or two
When it has been the time

She stands up to get ready and do her work once she has stood up she had something wet and so she had looked down to see what she had stepped on and what she saw horrified her she saw her water.

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