Ch.8: Purification

Start from the beginning

"I don't need rest. That's all I've been doing. I can help with a few things here and there. It's not a big deal."

"Sorry if I keep pushing it on you, but it does take a lot out. I just want to make sure you'll be fine in the end. You can help, but I won't have you do too much."

"Or how about this? You get some rest while I finish up. You have to save up your energy too. Remember what Handong said?"

"I already told you guys that I can handle it now." Siyeon said.

Sua didn't respond. She just looked at her with an eyebrow raised.

"What? I will." After not getting another response from Sua, she sighed. "Ok. You're right. I'll go lay down. Just let me make a list first."

After getting the checklist, Sua continued preparing. After rechecking to see if she missed anything, she called Siyeon over to make sure sure that everything would go according to the plan.

"What did you have me get anyway?" She showed Siyeon the rectangular paper charm with runes written on it that she couldn't understand.

"It's a charm that blocks sound. Once it's activated, a barrier would surround us. We would hear what happens inside it, but no one else would know outside of it."

"And why would we need that?"

"You already know the answer to that one. If not, you'll realize it soon." Silence came soon after since Sua didn't want to think about it. She just finished everything up without saying a word while Siyeon went back to the couch to take a well needed nap.


After everything was settled and they were ready to go, Sua got into position. Siyeon had her lay down on a few layers of blankets on the ground. If the main goal was to give her comfort during this painful process, the bed wouldn't be as good of an idea as they first thought. Siyeon brought up the idea that Sua might convulse so much that she could fall off and potentially hurt herself, or even break Siyeon's concentration to check in on her. No one knew what would happen if an angel stopped mid-purification, but they didn't want to find out. They took all the precautions necessary, even down to this minute detail.

Siyeon grabbed the charm from the nightstand and set it on the ground near Sua's head. Siyeon kept her hand on the rune as she spoke in what Sua assumed to be the angel's language. It was nothing Sua has ever heard before. After Siyeon was done speaking, the charm started to glow blue before that blue spread into a huge sphere around the two beings. Once the sphere completed its shape, it started to go away. Siyeon walked out of the barrier's radius and Sua could've sworn she said something. "What?" She yelled loudly.

Siyeon walked back in the barrier. "I guess it worked. Let me know when you're ready."

Sua closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she prepared for what's to come. As soon as her nerves died down the best they could, Sua looked at Siyeon and nodded. That was their signal for Siyeon to start. They both put on the special sunglasses before they moved to the next step.

Just like Sua, Siyeon had to take a deep breath and close her eyes before starting to concentrate. She moved as much energy as she could to her center. She then formed an orb in the middle of her chest as a blinding light started to slowly appear, starting small before growing into its baseball-shaped size in between her hands. Once it got to its biggest size, wings with what appeared to be made of light started to spread on her back that glowed just as bright as her eyes as she opened them. Siyeon was ready and was slowly walking toward Sua.

Sua opened her eyes as she noticed the glow from nearby. She looked over at Siyeon. She did look a bit terrifying, but Sua knew that she wanted the best for her. Siyeon wouldn't take advantage of her vulnerable state just to kill a demon. Why would she put in that much effort to do so? She had no reason to fight back. All she could do was mentally prep herself before the orb got closer and closer to her mouth.

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