Chapter II- The meeting.

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TanqR p.o.v.:
I was at the changing rooms. I again was standing opposite to the doors like a stupid. It will be kinda weird changing in front of people who I seen once- twice in my life. What will happen when I come in? Will they just ignore me or they will start to ask me 100 questions. I guess it's time to find out. I opened the doors and headed in quickly. Everyone looked at me. The whole attention was on me. I hate it. I just gived them questioning sight and went to place where I could put my things. I guess that worked because immediately everyone started minding their own business. I wanted to start changing when all of them will come out, I don't want them to see my bruises and injuries they are mostly on the chest and back area. Why I have them? Well I really like playing Paintball in my every time I can and sometimes I get hit, it kinda hurts but I'm used to it. I'm really enjoying this and I won't stop. When everyone were gone it was the time for me to change ofc I didn't forgot to put my mask on. When I did that, I quickly ran to the gym, since I was already late. We I got here I joined others and sat on stands. The teacher came up to me weirdly close and looked straight in my eyes.

P.E. teacher: Hmm- I never seen you here before..., are you new?
TanqR: Y-Yeah!
P.E. teacher: Great! Now you have a chance to show what you can do! C'mon guys separate yourself into two teams. We are playing basketball today.

I was happy about that fact I really liked basketball. But even tho I need to prepare myself to get chosen last. You know how it is, no one knows you and they don't know how well you can do. I was right, I got chosen last. They still don't know what I'm able to do so.
(I absolutely hate basketball like I broke my fingers on this shit like 3 times, that sucks)

Sabrina p.o.v.:
We got separated into two teams. Everyone were today so it was 8v8. I was in a team with: Ashley, Parlo, Buur, Sketch, Ominous, DJ and TanqR. The worst thing is that TanqR doesn't know three of them. I hope he will find a way to communicate with them. Round were about to start. Two people were standing in the middle to push the ball for their teammates. On our side Buur was the one doing it since he was the tallest here on the other side was Kreek. It was the time, teacher tossed the ball he whistled with his whistle and both Kreek and Buur jumped trying to reach for ball. Eventually Kreek was the one who got it, Rektway caught it and started rushing to our basketball basket. But he suddenly stopped as he didn't had ball in his hands anymore. Wait but when did he lost it? Then I looked behind me and saw TanqR scoring a point for us. But when? What? And how? Wow...He must be really good.

Kreek p.o.v.:
This new dude already scored a point for them but when did it happen? Ugh I can't just give up that easily, I'm the best player in this school!

TimeSkip ( after match)
I was laying exhausted on the floor. It's the first time, in a while when I'm actually tired after P.E. I fell like this dude will be the most annoying here right now he just beat the champion like it was nothing. and the worst thing is that we only scored like 6 points and they... I don't even know how many, there were to many of them. I saw this dude coming up to me. But I was to tired to even look in his direction.

TanqR: Um- I'm sorry about that. Do you need some help?

He reached his head to help me stood up but I ignored his offer and I stood up on my own. I threw him quick " That's Fine" and I went to charging room annoyed and disappointed. As soon as I went in everyone were looking at me surprised. That's probably because I lost-.

KonekKitten: Maybe he is not that bad as we thought?
Rektway: Yeah, he would be able to take out our team all alone!
Kreek: Oh just shut up ya all, ok?
Ominous: Ohhh~ someone is annoyed.
Kreek: Aww man- just stop!

After I changed and quickly head out from changing room slamming the doors behind me. I saw this dude looking at me confused. Ughh I already hate this man. Who he even thinks he is?! I don't even know his name but I hate him. When I was at the classroom we should have lessons now I sat on a bench and waited for bell to ring. Others were slowly coming here as well. But this match were still in my mind I couldn't understand how did I lost it so badly. I know that it's just a game for fun and entertainment but my whole reputation will go down because now there is a fricking random dude who is better than me. Then suddenly the bell rang and the teacher came to let us in the class. When I sat on my place I thought about something. Maybe I should offer it him? I will think about it later I still have a couple of hours to do so.

Time skip ( after lessons)
After the last lesson ended I packed my things grabbed my backpack and head out from the classroom to the locker room. I did what I needed to do and I was about to go out but I saw this dude. Here was standing here, right here. I should probably leave him alone but I want my revenge more than anything. I came up to him, I guess he didn't notice me since he was looking for something in his locker. I slammed it right in front of his face. He looked at me confused.

TanqR: Dude. What is your problem?!
Kreek: How should I call you-.
TanqR: Why you want to know it so bad? You still can't stand that I won?!
Kreek: Maybe I do! Now tell me it!
TanqR: Why should I?!

I grabbed him by collar of his hoodie.

TanqR: Geez- Chill out! It's TanqR now let me go.

I let him go. I noticed that everyone were looking at us. I hope no one got scared and ran to tell teacher about it.

TanqR: Ok but what exactly do you want? I don't think you came here just to get my name.
Kreek: In park, after school. Come here ofc if you not scared.

TanqR p.o.v.:
And he just walked away. What is his problem? And why he want to meet at the park? Ohh I know why... he wants to fight. Ofc I will come I would never miss such a chance. He is really determined to beat my ass, huh? Well that's not going to happen. I quickly went from the locker room after I did what I needed to do and headed to the park. When I got there I couldn't see him. Did he juked me or he got scared?

Kreek: Over there.

I saw him standing behind the tree. I moved into his direction and putted my backpack on the bench which were right here.

TanqR: Now you are hiding behind nature? How dare you. It is not going to help ya.
Kreek: Just shut up. And let's get over your lost.
TanqR: Ha- mine?! You are funny. Think about it twice.

He stood there annoyed but then he suddenly swinged his hand and wanted to punch me in my left cheek but unfortunately for him I managed to avoid this attack. I tried to punch him as well but he did the same thing as me. And that's how we started fighting. Most of the time I was the one hitting him but when he hit me it was pretty painful. After a while we both were tired. I wasn't able to move any of my limbs at all. He might not hit me at all but somehow his hits are so painful for me. He was about to pass out at this point but he still didn't gave up. We were about to go on each other once again but suddenly someone's screaming stopped us.

KonekoKitten: Eyyy! What's going on here?!

We immediately looked at his direction and I saw this KonektoKitteen dude with a dude with green clothes and wings.

KonekoKitten: What are you doing you need medical help!
Parlo: Yeah, are ya crazy!

They helped us to get up, since we both were basically on the ground. They carried us to the closest bench and started to look for somthing in their backpacks.

Parlo: I got some bandages. That might be helpful.
KonekoKitten: Ye, Thanks I don't have any.
TanqR: Wait why do you need them?
Parlo: To help you, what have you thought?
TanqR: No, no, no, no. You don't need to worry about me I will help myself at home , don't worry.
KonekoKitten: But dude you are bleeding!
TanqR: I mean it's not like I care I'm used to it.

I was about to walk away but I looked back at Kreek he was looking at me. We gave each other a cold sight and I went to my home which were kinda hard looking at how badly I was injured...

And that's how the war started

I just wanted to thank for all the great comments on the first chapter it means a lot!
And yeh have a great day or night!
And Cya!

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