Don't act like you're not grateful for me spicing up your life and don't you dare saying that you were happy with the way it was or that you aren't happy that your mother is dead, because you hated the twat. And don't you dare to say that I don't know what I am talking about, because we both know better. We both know that we are one and the same and that I know exactly how you feel.

The voice of Ravenna filled Breanna's head and even though, she hated to admit it, everything Ravenna said was true.  After her father, another animalis, had died in a battle, her mother had become a horrible woman. In the eyes of the other villagers, her mother was one of the kindest woman ever. In their eyes, Tatiana was a strong and compassionate woman, who was faithful to the memory of her husband, even though, he had died a long time ago and Breanna was the monster that had killed her.

They didn't know that her mother had beat  her, more times than that she could count. They didn't know that she would drink five bottles of wine in the evening to drown her own sorrows. They didn't know that whenever she was out on a job with her mother, she would be stuck in some brothel , while her mother would get pleasure from whoever wanted to give, it didn't matter to her if it was a man or a woman. They didn't know that her mother had stopped being a mother, the minute her father's heart had stopped beating..

But Breanna still couldn't help, but be sad over that horrible woman's death, because before her father had left to meet his maker, her mother had been everything the villagers believed her to be. Her mother had been a loving mother, who would read her bedtime stories and make sure that she always went to bed with a full stomach.

You're not sad that she died, you're sad because your mother wasn't strong enough to be a good mother for you. If you aren't careful, you'll end up just like her, a woman who is too weak to face her own problems. I mean, you're afraid to leave your own house. Those people are at your mercy, not the other way around. But because you don't act like it, they will continue to use you, they will continue to disrespect you. Stop being a....

Breanna stopped Ravenna by putting up mental walls, which is the only way to make Ravenna stop nagging her about her life.  She didn't need the nagging, all she needed was to ravish on the flesh of some animal and go back home where she can sulk to the point of wanting to open up a bottle and drown her sorrows, just like her mother did.

But she knew that she wouldn't open the bottle, because she knew that it would be easier for Ravenna to take over, if she had alcohol in her system and her will had been weakened. The bloody demon wanted to see the blood of the villagers,  she wanted to see them suffer and beg for mercy , which they wouldn't get.  She wanted them to experience the pain Breanna went through.

But Breanna wouldn't hear any of it. It wasn't because she cared much for the people of the village, but she didn't want to dishonor the memory of when her parents when they were both alive, because she knew that if she let go, it would feel like she was spitting on their graves. She would be no better than the person, the villagers thought her to be. No, she would be worse.

Shaking her head, trying to shake those unsettling thoughts out of her head. She spread her wings and flew into the sky. She  closed her eyes as she was briefly enjoying the feeling she received from the air that engulfed her.

She loved to fly. She loved the feeling of the wind caressing her feathers. She loved to see the beautiful landscape move beneath her. She loved it when  birds surrounded her. But the thing that she loved the most was, whenever she was flying, she felt invincible. Like no one could hurt her, while she was flying. Not the memories of her abusive mother, not the memories of her old happy live, not the villagers who hated her and she herself couldn't hurt herself.

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