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Her emptiness, her separateness, slipped away like a heavy shroud. Blindly she slid a hand around his neck, trying to capture the sensations that fell over her in a gossamer cascade. His tongue dipped leisurely inside her mouth, tasting, brushing over thinly shielded nerves until she leaned against him helplessly, her body trembling with need. She is turned on, it's clearly written in galore all over her.

Wrapped in a finely meshed spell, Zayd felt his senses, his thoughts and awareness angle sharply toward her until she was the focus of his very existence. It is malignant but at that moment, nothing else mattered.

His hands traveled over her slender form with a new sense of discovery, each touch wondering, intimate, loving. He searched for the secrets of her body, learning things she had never known about herself, his fingertips memorizing the ways to draw out her pleasure and passion. She responded to him with a warmth that caused him to shiver in surprise. Her shy touch, the stroke of her tongue against his, and the seeking eagerness of her hands aroused Zayd to a state of hot-blooded mindlessness like nothing he had ever known before.

She pushed herself up on his chest then, looked down at him. He was inhumanly beautiful as he lay there beneath her, all whipcord muscle and golden sleekness, his face like something from a dream. A flush of color burnished his cheekbones and the bridge of his nose, as if he'd been out in the sun too long. His light brown eyes glinted with mischief and secrets, shadowed by a tangle of long lashes. A living, breathing Adonis, she thought, a wave of gloom breaking over her.

Zayd Ahmad Hakim Al-Hafiz is the only man she cannot have even though every inch of him is perfected from the strands of his hairs down to his beautiful long and masculine toes.

And he spent the rest of the night showing her just how much of a man he now is. He left her acquiesced, gave her the right amount of ambiguity without words.

Morning sun rose from above the horizon, it's rays fell directly on the two people lying on bed sleeping soundly like nothing is wrong. None of them opened their eyes till much later when he couldn't take it anymore, Zayd's eyes split open at the discomfort. He yawned, tried using his hand to close his mouth like he is used to but there is this weight on it that is making it hard for him to move.

A little confused, he pivoted to see what is it that is straining his movement. His eyes fell on Layla's divine ivory face that looks too innocent. Far too innocent. For a second he almost thought she wasn't Layla but someone else, then the things they did yesterday started flooding inside his head. Goosebumps instantly rise all across his open arms, his muscles bunched. He forced himself to take deep breaths to keep the memory away from his head.

Her red dyed hair trailed over him silkily, as soft and precious as rivulets of mercury. He licked his lips knowing he should do one thing before she wakes up. His eyes settled on her lush pink lips, sending open invitation to him that he couldn't turn down hence he leaned down and kissed them. He is a man after all. No matter what happens, he cannot resist the beautiful creature breathing close to him.

She stirred before waking up, her eyes fell on nothing but his. Zayd couldn't move, his eyes widened a bit as if waiting for her to slap him or thrash him or something close to that but she did none. She blinked several times before groaning then yawned with her hands and legs parting wide. This is the awkward moment none of them thought about before they took their adventure on the bed yesterday night.

Layla turned around, freeing his arm and grimaced, she's always hated awkward moments. Zayd took that opportunity to stand up and dress back into his clothes to avoid further confrontation. He feels eminent for some reason, standing there all hot after giving his virginity and collecting hers in process.

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