your intentions

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today i had a busy morning, but i made sure to save some time to go see y/n's father.

knock knock

ymom: hey JJ!

JJ: hey ma'am

ymom: i heard about what happen from y/n

JJ: *looks down* yes?

ymom: don't feel bad son, i remember when her dad did the same to me, she told me you find a romantic way to her t her back *smile*

JJ: she said that?

ymom: she did *smile*


" that's what happened"

" you're doing okay sweetheart?"

"yes, we are taking some time apart, but he gives me a poem each day *smiling through the phone*"

"a romantic boy, just like your father"


" take care okay?"

"yes mom"


JJ: *smiles* i wanted to speak to you and sir.han

ydad: i'm here!

ymom: come in, i made some food and there's drinks

JJ: thank you

her parents were now sat down on the couch in front of me.

ymom: here! eat this

JJ: it my favorite Japanese food thank you

ymom: no problem

JJ: before anything, i just wanted to apologize again for hurting your daughter. sir, remember when you told me what were my intentions with your daughter i said i didn't know fully yet and i do know now

ymom: tell me

JJ: after the "fight" i realize how much y/n meant to me and how being in bad term or just not being around her hurts me.

ydad: *listening* so,what are your intentions with my daughter now young man?

JJ: i will always support her, treat her well like she deserves and love her with all my heart. my intentions are the same as she has for me, our intentions and plans are all discussed and we are on the same page. i want to get to know your daughter more and more everyday.

ymom: * in aww*

JJ: i love her and my wish is to make her the happiest girl alive. each morning i wake up and feel like luckiest guy on earth. believe me, the world stops and stays still when she smiles at me or is just around sir.

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