It's heist time

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"serpentine safe-cracking machine," Wolf mused, glancing over to watch his friend work. You also followed his gaze.

"Magic Houdini-but with no arms. The kinda guy who'll tell you the glass is half empty--then steal it from you."

He grinned at Snake, then veered around another crop of slowed and stopped cars.

Wolf continued to narrate their drive, as he zigged and zagged around traffic.

"He's also my best bud. And today is... his birthday!"

Snake glanced up from the safe.

"Not relevant" he glares at him.

"He's a sweetheart," He then smirked at his friend and said it directly to him, "You're a sweetheart" You smirked at Snake while he glared at you.

"And this is my darling, Y/N. Gadget making genius, who can kick butt when need to. A skilled fighter with a mysterious past. That I will find out.

"Sure." you said patting his cheek which he lend into.

You opened a compact mirror and checked your face as you glanced at the cars behind you. You quickly closed the mirror and tossed it out the window, where it rolled down the road and blew up some police cars in the process.

"Wow compact grenades nice touch."

Behind us, a parade of police cars filed into position, swerving and dodging pedestrians in their quest to finally catch us.

"Well, look who's here," Snake mused, glancing back at the cops giving chase.

It was always just a matter of time until police were on our tails and then just a matter of a little more time before we got away.

"Took 'em long enough." Wolf laughed. He scanned the road ahead, noticing a long string of red lights, with tons of traffic in every direction. There was no way we would get through that mess-without some help. Luckily,we had some.

"Watch this."

You quickly glanced up and saw Webs "Three...two. one!"

Then the tarantula pulled out a computer and Suddenly, the lights switched from red to green, ushering us through the jammed streets with ease.

"And over here is miss tarantula Our in-house hacker" Wolf cheered. "Our pocket search engine, our traveling tech wizard." "We call her... WEBS."

Now, as we drove under her perch on the streetlight, Webs jumped down and dropped into the car.

As soon as we drove through the green lights, the stoplights immediately switched back to red, stopping all the cars behind them and letting the cars going the other direction go. This clogged up all the intersections and kept the cop cars who'd been chasing us from getting through!

"Very slick, Webs," Wolf said admiringly.

"I also took over the police dispatch," Webs bragged.

"Blurred their satellite imaging system, grounded their chopper, and..." She paused, glancing back over her shoulder.

"One more thing."

Snake glanced over, groaning as he realized what his friend had done.

"You didn't."

"Oh but she did."

Webs snickered. As you gave him a knowing smirk.

Just then, a delivery driver on a scooter pulled up alongside their getaway car.

The delivery driver hollered out, "Special delivery for..." He glanced up, suddenly realizing who we were.

"Ahhh! Don't eat me!!" He flung the package toward the car, his scooter swerving as he freaked out about how close he'd been to us.

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