08 - I'm not aware of what you're referring to.

Comenzar desde el principio

His eyes flash with muted anger, pushing you to do as your told. You take the baton but you refuse to look him in the eye.

It feels unnatural in your hands, you're much more suited to the agility of a lightsaber, or the grooves of a blaster. This weapon is hostile and aggressive.

"I don't fight with these." You roll the baton between your hands, observing the weight and grip.

Before you can look up at him of your own volition, Kylo brings your chin up to face him using the end of his weapon. It digs into your neck, forcing you to back away.

"I won't be letting you anywhere near a lightsaber. If you attempt something so utterly stupid again, I'll kill you for the hassle you've caused me." He's so relaxed as he threatens you, his baton at your neck so casually,

"You're that scared I'd beat you, huh?"

You're treading dangerously, prodding him to react to your insubordination.

You survey him, careful as he licks his lips in a moment of thought. He hasn't taken his eyes off of you for a second.

Kylo swipes the baton from holding your chin, quickly sweeping it through the air in a hit.

No warning, he's started.

Luckily, this is very different than before.

Before, you were hurt, down, starved.

After gaining some energy and practice... you can at least defend yourself as long as he continues to go easy on you.

You block his attack, holding the baton the way you were taught to wield your lightsaber. You're not sure how else to hold it, and Ren seems to be doing the same. This is a lightsaber battle without the laser of death, essentially.

You're quick to counter strike. Stepping forward as he steps back, your bodies moving in one quick motion as your batons collide once more. Of course he blocks you, and without effort too. You're the aggressor now, though.

You sweep your weapon through the air again, moving to dodge as he retaliates. Baton's clashing, you push your weapons against each other, moving with a swift elegance you'd only before experienced training with LJ. You can anticipate each others moves, static energy pricking between you as you duel.

You wish you weren't in this position, but at the same time you're glad to continue to work on your fighting. Even if it means with Ren. If anything, as long as you get out of this alive, this experience could open up your ability into another world of possibility.

Ren is equipped with his entire life of experience, not to mention years under Luke Skywalker. He has temptations toward the dark side. You're confident you're strong enough to resist it, but you've heard the tales of Darth Vader. You've heard the tales of Kylo Ren.

You're brought back to the present when Kylo gets one up on you, you were so distracted in your thoughts that he's managed to hit your side when your defence was down.

You stumble, gripping your rib where the baton had made hard contact and dropping yours in response. It burns under your skin, aching. You know it's not broken, just tender as the bruises only recently faded. He clearly knows how to do this just hard enough that it hurts, without damaging anything.

You're still cupping your side and groaning a little as he picks up your discarded weapon and returns them both to the hold in the wall.

You're angry with him, you realise. You want more power, to fight back, to escape, to show him you can't be pushed around.

He returns with steady assurance, looking to you with calm eyes. You're suddenly not worried.

DEFIANT • kylo ren (18+)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora