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Apparently, Gerald knows what is going on with Jeremy and Harry, but he is too scared to do anything about it, just like the rest of the staff in the mansion. I have told him everything that happened in the last few weeks I know Harry and he is glad to help. He's seen Jeremy hurt Harry and do other things. I know there's more he isn't telling me. Right now, he is bringing me to the room Jeremy keeps Harry in. Gerald said he is practically prisoner since Harry was 'missing' for 4 days, while he was with me and the boys. We walk through the long hallways of the mansion until we reach a door on the end. There are a total of 4 locks on it. I can't imagine what Harry goes through here.

''You're lucky this old man got the keys from his boss.'' Gerald says and gets out a bunch of keys and shakes them in front of my face. He opens the locks of the door and once they're all open, I don't wait a second before I slam the door open and find myself in a dark room. The only light is coming from a boarded up window with a crack in between. I look around me and see a small bed against the wall and on that bed I see the shape of a body on it.

''Harry?'' I call out, but I don't get an answer. I slowly walk into the dark room, towards the figure who I think is Harry. "Harry, babe?" I call out again. The figure on the bed shifts a bit, before I hear a evil laugh and the figure sits up in bed. The moment I see the person's face, I know it's not Harry.

Definitely not.

"Who are you calling babe?" He says. I stand there shocked--frozen,
--in the middle of the room, not knowing what to do.

"Who are you?" I order once I snap out of my trance and look at the man sitting on the bed. I stand up straight, trying to act tough, but the second the man stands up, in front of me, I feel intimidated. I gulp, not knowing what to do now.

"I am Harry's boyfriend, I suppose you were looking for him." The man--Jeremy--answers me.

Now I get why Harry was so scared of his boyfriend.

"Where is he?" I look up at him, anger written all over my face. He laughs at me, right in my face.

"You should know it's very easy to manipulate that little shit head."

"What do you mean?" I ask him genuinely confused.

"It's very handy to know someone's phone code... I knew something was up; every time I came home, I saw Harry on his phone, smiling while violently typing away on his phone, instead of cleaning the house like he is supposed to do. So I forced him to give it to me, and like the obedient boyfriend he is, he gave it to me. After reading all of your chats, I knew I had to do something. So, when I figured you were coming to get him today, for 'a talk', I only had to make a plan, and boom, here we are." After he finishes his oh so amazing and brilliant story, I am fuming. I am literally in state of ripping his balls off.

"Where is he now!?" I demand.

"Somewhere no one will find him." He chuckless.

"Tell me, where I can find him!" I can't hold my anger any longer. I take a step forward and punch him right in the face. He stumbless a bit backwards, but catches himself quickly.

I may be smaller than him, but I have been told my punches and kicks are unmissable.

"Now you're gonna get it!"


I seriously don't know what this chapter is. I don't have much inspiration at the moment, so I kinda forced myself to write now.

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