Mission with the Bat Master

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The woman looked up at him. "And who is this young man and young lady?"

Master Swoop smiled. "This is Theo Martin. Her boyfriend. And this is Stella Jones. Her sister. They insisted on coming with me. They've been worried sick about her since she went missing."

Theo fought to hide his shock at the master's words but he had to go along with it. The woman looked at him questioningly.

"I can't bare to be without her. I've missed her terribly!" He said pumping worry into his voice. Snowbelle tried not to laugh and made her role.

"He's right, Miss. Me and my mother are worried about her too. Mom can't sleep every night since her disappearance." Snowbelle said.

"I'll need to see some ID's."

They handed the lady their ID's. "Very well, let me call the doctor in charge of her. Please have a seat."

"Thank you." Master Swoop saidz giving her a polite smile and they took their seats.

"That was funny, Theo." Snowbelle whispered.

"No, that was not." Theo said, starts to flush red. The bat master smirked.

"By the way, was Ethan really your name?" Snowbelle asked.

"No... I just made it up." Master Swoop said.

"What? Seriously?"

A few minutes later a man in a white lab coat came to see them.

"I'm Dr. Schmitt and I am in charge of the patient. Follow me."

As they walked down the hallways. Theo and Snowbelle kept Master Swoop on their sides, struggling to control himself. Even now, his animal spirit was getting more and more agitated. He could sense the ocelot spirit that Caitlyn held. It was in a lot of pain and crying out for help.

Snowbelle looked up at the blind master to see him keeping a straight face.

How can he be so calm?

"We keep her down here in seclusion so she can't cause anyone or herself any harm. She is the most fascinating case I've ever seen."

He led them into a room with a one way window and offered them some seats. On the other side of the window a young woman no older then Theo lay sleeping on her bed. Her gown was soiled with excretion and there even seemed to be some dried blood on the back of her gown.

And there pacing around the room was the ghostly purple form of a jungle cat.

"Mom is not gonna happy if she saw her like this." Snowbelle mumbled.

Theo turned to the doctor. "Why hasn't anyone bothered to clean her up? She's a mess! Is this how you take care of your patients?"

The doctor gave him an annoyed look. "No one can get near her and the orderlies are too afraid of the ghost to enter her room. When the cat isn't pacing the room it goes inside her and she becomes a wild woman, untamed and extremely dangerous. We can't risk anyone getting hurt. We'd be sued for sure. If we can't find a cure for her, we will have to humanely put her out of her misery."

Master Swoop looked down at his lap. He knew what was coming. It was the reason he passed Theo off as her boyfriend and Snowbelle as her sister.

"Euthanasia!" he said turning on the doctor. "You can't find a cure for her so you kill her?"

"We can't risk-"

"That is not acceptable! Just cause no one here has the guts to go in there and care for her is not a reason to put her down like a common stray!" Snowbelle exclaimed.

"Now, you wait just one moment."

"I will not allow her to be treated like that! She's my sister!"

"Unless you have the balls to go in there and clean her up-"

"Fine! Give me some fresh clothing and a rag and I'll go in there and clean her up." Snowbelle ordered.

"I cannot allow that."

"Then sign her over to me." Master Swoop said softly. "I'll take full responsibility for my granddaughter. If she harms anybody then I will take the blame and you will not be responsible for her."

"She's too-"

Master Swoop had had enough and he stood up to his full height. "I'll not take 'no' for an answer! My granddaughter is not being cared for properly. And I sure as hell hope that you don't treat you're other patients this way. I can take her to our own specialist and have her back to normal in no time. Now stop being an asshole sign her over to me!"

"Grandpa." Snowbelle take a hold on his arm.

The doctor looked exasperated. He went over to the intercom and called for the intake office to bring her belongings and her release papers down to him then he turned back to the fuming sister and handed her the key card. "There's a closet in the corner. Everything you need is in there."

Snowbelle turned to Theo, who nodded curtly and after gathering everything he needed, he gave the things to Snowbelle. She used the key card and opened the door.

The room was dimly lit and the second she walked in the cat spirit attacked her only to be met by the white lynx spirit that kept it at bay.

The same second the girl woke up. She crouched on the bed and glared menacingly at her.

"Easy there, Cait. I'm not here to hurt you." Snowbelle said in a calm voice. "I'm here to get you out of here. I promise I won't hurt you."

Caitlyn snarled at her quietly as she slowly walked towards her. She bared her teeth.

"I don't know what happened to you. But I want to take care of you."

All the while that was going on the two jungle cats were communicating in soft growls and were pacing around each other. Then the ocelot spirit growled and slowly walked back to Caitlyn and vanished. Caitlyn collapsed on the bed.

And then she was crying softly. Theo felt his heart twist for his rival as Snowbelle made quick work of her gown and hurriedly cleaned her up trying not to look at the naked body for too long. But Snowbelle couldn't help but notice the large blood stain on the cot and saw stains of it on her inner thigh. She grimaced and hurried to clean it all up. She was so thin and there were dark circles under her eyes and many brusies all over her.

Then Master Swoop was at her side with Theo, who handing her a pants which were stained and torn in many places. "They're not fit for her to wear." Snowbelle said examining her top which was not much better.

"Its better than the hospital gown." Master Swoop answered quietly as Snowbelle buttoned up her jeans and put her sandals on. Snowbelle take off her jacket and wrap it on Caitlyn.

"Let's hurry up and get her out of here and back to the school. If someone can help her, it's Dr Hawkins."


Once they got to the school, they took her right to the infirmary where Dr. Hawkins was waiting for them, upon getting the message that they had gotten the student out of the asylum she had gotten a bed ready and stood by while Master Swoop carried her in. then, they walked out leaving her to take care of Caitlyn.

Out in the hallway, Theo and Snowbelle sat on a bench while Master Swoop went off to report to Master Mao and the rest of the elders. The blue Jungle Fury ranger was no stranger to long waits and so as the doctor did her job he turned inwards to go over the last few hours since he had left with his master and Snowbelle on this mission.

"I can't believe this happened to her." Snowbelle said. "And who on the Earth would do this to her?" She asked as she sobs. Theo remain quite but wrapped his arms around her, trying to comfort the lynx.

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