CHAPTER 2 Marius's Family, An Odd Change

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It was a small, square-shaped room, well-lit by a few incandescent bulbs. The floor revealed under a corner of the fluffy mat had a bright, polished sheen. Simple furniture was laid out around the room: a table in the center and a TV and couch on one side. Two doors opened out to the bedrooms, and there was a kitchen on the other side—a perfect set-up for a small family.

Marius felt refreshed at the sight as he entered, even more so when he looked at the tiny form that greeted him, a little angel hurrying towards him in delight.

"Dadda! Up! Up!" said the excited little girl wearing a long-sleeved shirt. She ran towards Marius with unsteady steps, her arms stretched forward. Her sleeves almost covered her small palms. She had lustrous and unusual purple hair, and her large round purple eyes made her look innocent and adorable.

Marius, who felt rather sullen, smiled as he looked at his approaching daughter. He bent down to pick her up in his sturdy arms, lifting her above his head as he gazed at her beaming face. He said, "Ha ha, my little Rose, you can't be so cute! How dare you show me such cuteness at this hour? Hehe, are you happy that Pappa's home?"

Rose looked at her father with excitement, clasping his cheeks with her small palms.

Smiling, she replied, "Hehe, Dadda, I missed you!"

Marius was filled with warmth on hearing this. He gently held his daughter against his chest and spoke. "Ha ha, that's my good girl. For being so nice, I'll tell you a little secret. You're not the only one, for you see, Pappa missed you too." He laughed heartily.

"Really? Yay!" Rose was elated. She rubbed her head against his chest, creating an endearing scene.

Marius grinned as he playfully rubbed her hair. She closed her eyes and giggled in delight.

Rose was only three years old. Her full name was Rosary Edgewick and unlike other kids her age, she was unique in as many ways as one could imagine. As if to validate this, as Marius stroked her head, her hair parted to the side, revealing two extremely adorable scarlet horns that curved upwards.

Marius' face had no change of expression; after all, he had seen those horns since the day of her birth. As for others who knew of them, they no longer existed in this world.

Rose was not the only one, as the entire family differed from the norm. Marius' children were all gifted and blessed with unknown powers. As for his wife, she had an inherent strangeness about her. Since the day they had met, he knew that though she was outwardly human, she most certainly wasn't so to any degree.

Back when they had first met, she had appeared before him like an angel, or rather, a beautiful demoness from a scarlet portal. Her manner was icy-cold and ruthless, and he was instinctively drawn to her traits. Yet, even in such an encounter, she too had been enamored by him at first sight. The result of their meeting then led to their eventual bonding and marriage.

Since then, Marius had accepted her strangeness; other than knowing that she came from another world, he didn't press her for more details as he felt that she would eventually explain everything.

His wife was Rialia Zorith, a beauty born of an unknown race. As for his most proud and obedient son, his name was Grevlin Edgewick; Marius couldn't be any prouder.

As Marius played with his daughter, two footsteps sounded from the side as the final two family members had appeared.

"So, you're finally home, my dear husband, and I'd almost think you'd miss own on our early dinner party," Ria said as she walked over with a charming smile. Her features were gorgeous and almost nonhuman. She had long green hair that fell to her back and wore a simple red dress. Yet, despite its commonness, it could not shroud her curvaceous body filled with abundance. Her small nose, delicate lips, and graceful almond eyes tucked below her thin eyebrows added a seductive flair.

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