First Chapter

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All I ever wanted was a girl that did not treat me like I was a famous person and she was that girl and her name was Elizabeth.

It all started when I was filming for American Horror Story Coven. I was walking around in New Orleans looking for a good place to eat. Emma was back at the hotel because the sun was too much for her and she was too tired to walk with me so I was alone. I hate being alone but it always seems to happen, no matter who I am with I always end up alone.

I walked into a small Chinese food place and went to order some take out for me and Emma. I was becoming impatient waiting for a person to take my order but then finally someone came to help me

"Hi sorry for the wait! My name is Elizabeth. Are you waiting for a table or ordering to carry out"

"I want to make my order to go and if you can get it to me fast that would be great."

" What would you like?" the way she said it made me feel as if she was questioning me or as if she did not believe I was in a hurry.

Honestly I wasn't and I don't know how she read me like she did but I did not care when I got Emma her food because she had treated me like a slave all day.

" I want an order of chicken Lo Mein and two orders of Dim Sum and a pint of chicken noodle soup" she was writing this down as if she had heard that exact order before. She did not hesitate one any of her words. Every few words she would look up at me and we would me eye contact. I was a bit strange but I did not think anything of it.

" It will be out in ten minutes... What is your story. You are standing here like you have some place to go yet you don't seen like you want to go anywhere."

"How did you get that impression?" I asked

" From your body language I can tell you are impatient and annoyed that things are going to slow for you. But when I look into your face I see a bit of desperation like there is something you want to talk about but you have to hold it in"

" You can tell that just from looking at me for less then five minutes, you must me a witch or something" I laughed under my breath considering we were filming about witches but my laugh was brought to an end

"I am not a witch" she said with an angry tone " I just know when a person is upset"

"Well you don't have to worry about me because you don't know me and after I get my food we will probably never see each other again."

" New Orleans may seem big to you but I can assure you I will probably see you again, even if you don't want it to happen"

" Why do you care about seeing me or knowing me" I was getting pissed off now, she did not know me and she is acting like I should spill out everything that was on my mind to her. " If you want an autograph or a picture that's fine just please don't try be a therapist to me because I do not need your help"

" Oh please, don't flatter yourself. I don't want a picture or an autograph and I don't know why you would think that I would favor you over anyone else that walks through that door. I am just a person who wants to help someone that seems to need it. But I guess you are too much of an airhead to see that" although she was angry I noticed that the tone she was using was quite sincere but that did not stop me from acting like an arrogant son of a bitch.

"Do you know who I am? I am Evan Peters! I am a actor, I have been in a shit ton of movies and T.V. shows. You don't get to talk to me like that"

"Just because you are famous doesn't mean you shouldn't get told that you are being an asshole"

Just then a guy brings up a bag to the counter.

"Here's your order" She looks at me with a smirk on her face " Have a good day"

I grab the bag and storm out of the restaurant furious.

'How the fuck does she think she can talk to me like that' I thought to myself as I walked back to the hotel.

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