??????? ????? PT. 2

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Sorry if this chapter is so short! I'm working on more ideas for this story because it it ending soon but no to soon! If you have any suggestions comment them if you like this story. Anyway enjoy!

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Like any other dream our dear friend Sanford has had, this one was the weirdest one of all. Instead of going to the exsprostiry like normal, he witnessed something. Something that became superstitions of ryeyumi. Let me explain:

Sanford was walking to bed that night. Deimos was get food for the morning because they didn't have anything. Sanford got on the bed and laid down, looking at the celling. "I hope we finally get out tonight." Sanford said to himself. He fell asleep in seconds. Black space is what he saw. He looked around and saw nothing. "Hello? 9?" He called out. No response. Sanford began to walk forward looking around for his friend. A small white light appeared form the darkness. Sanford walked over to it and he saw his friends. Deimos, Hank, 2B, and Ryeyumi. But something was off about Ryeyumi. Her glasses were red and not purple. "Where Ford?" Deimos asked. "Probably late." 2B said. They where sitting on the couch. Hank did some weird hand movements that Sanford didn't understand but the others did. He looked at them carefully and tried doing them himself. But besides this they didn't notice ryeyumi and her glasses. Then the light went away and his friend where gone. Sanford looked around but saw nothing. Then appeared in the exsprostiry. "Are you gonna plank out every minute?!" It was 9. "Oh thank God." Sanford told him. 9 was confused but shurgged. "Come on, we are so close!" 9 shouted. "We are?" Sanford asked. 9 nodded and helped Sanford up. They began walking to a staircase. "Ladies first." 9 told Sanford. "Sorry?" Sanford said. "Ugh, nevermind." 9 started walking the stairs and Sanford followed him. At the top of the stairs was a small room. It looks like space on the glass windows and pillows on the sides of the room. 9 sat down on the floor. "What the h•ll are we doing here?" Sanford asked. "You keep falling asleep so I think we should just rest ya know?" Sanford sat next to 9 and then everything went black for the 2nd time.

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