First Mission

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When cypher was away on a mission you always wandered into his workshop and fixed any broken gadgets of his you saw laying around or tried keeping yourself in shape and practicing your aim in the shooting range so you were ready when you were finally sent on a mission. Most of the time you would fall asleep on the large bean bag chair that Cypher got for you since you did fall asleep in the workshop almost everyday. For some reason you found it hard to sleep alone in your room but when it came to sleeping in Cyphers workshop it was different, You didn't know why but it just felt more comfortable in a way. Sure sleeping was still hard when Cypher was away but at least you had the little plush that you got from Omen that he knitted for you to hug at night since you told him you had nightmares.

You met everyone in the protocol slowly and got to know how their abilities worked and also got to know their personalities, but since you weren't really good with people you just mostly chilled on your own or with Omen when Cypher was away. That was your life at Valorant for the past 2 months there until you were finally called to brimstones office bright and early in the morning.


You wake up immediately when you hear banging outside of the workshop with a person calling for you, you get up annoyed from the bean bag and go to see what the person wants and when you step outside you see that it's Jett banging on your bedroom door thinking that your in there.

You rub your eyes to try to wake yourself up "Jett? What is it? It's like 7 in the morning"

She turns around and looks at you surprised "what are you doing in Cyphers workshop? He doesn't like people in there at all, let alone when he's away, ah nevermind that, brimstone wants you to meet him in his office in like 20 minutes so get out of your... pajamas?...isn't that Cyphers shirt?" Jett looks at you confused "did you not look in your closet? There's some clothes for you there that me and neon bought the day after you first got here so we knew what size to get you"

You nod "I just find the shirt comfortable to sleep in"

Jett smerks and nudges you "Im sure that's the reason, totally not because you miss Cypher since he's on a mission"

You feel a little blush form on your cheeks "think whatever you want Jett, now if you excuse me, I have to get ready" You close the doors to Cyphers workshop and head to your bedroom to get ready taking a quick shower and then getting dressed with just doing your hair like you've always done, after you finished you went straight to brimstones office.

Once you got to the doors you knocked and heard a voice inside telling you to come in
"Yowai, do you think your ready to go on your first mission? It won't be to difficult but it also won't be to easy, it'll also be freezing since the mission is on icebox "

You nod yes and brimstone continues

"As you know some agents are already out and on a mission but it seems like they need some backup, are you willing to be a part of that backup?"

"Yes sir, I'm ready"

"Great, there should be a mission outfit waiting for you in your room that should fit you and your play style nicely so it wont weigh you down, Skye will be going with you on the mission and will be getting you in 10 minutes"

You nod and turn around to head back to your room but right before you leave you hear brimstone tell you one more thing

"Stay safe out there soldier"

You look back at him with a soft smile and nod and then continue to make your way to your room

On your way to your room you teleport into the Amory to grab your sidearms and rifle for the mission, you pick up a Vandel and Ghost and hurry to your room to finally get ready.

A New Purpose - Cypher x Fem Reader (Valorant Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now