chapter-3.5 -a gas station that (y/n) never got the see-

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After a time ı feel myself getting sleepy but I tried my best to stay awake.

Then mr.doggy noticed me and said:" hey..(y/n) you can get a little nap bud ı will wake you up when we get there ok?"  This time he actually sounded less annoyed and a little..... what was it again epmaty yes he showed a little epmaty for me I think?

After he said that I layed down to the seat of the car and I drifted to sleep....

( ͡°ᴥ ͡° ʋ) Dogi p.o.v.

What am ı going to do...?
That's was all crossed my mind while driving

İt was not ı was expecting at us to get lucky and all but....

I knew ı couldn't go there

They were already dead probably and I didn't want us to die

But how I am going to explain this to them?

To a 10 & 9 year old kid..?

How I'm going to explain them that their friends and people who see as their family...are probably....dead?

While I was in deep in thought, I realized I had already arrived,I stopped the car and looked at to gas prices, ı know ı know its probably not very important but I was curious

"Holy cow look at the prices, maybe it's not that bad being in an apocalypse" I mumbled under my breath

Then I realized a rabbit

İt looked like he had been stabbed.
I quickly rushed to the man and bent down to their height.

He looked like he was still alive
"Hello sir can you hear me? What happened to you?"
He quickly looked at me with a worried expression but calmed down when he saw me, he looked like he was going to pass out because of blood loss by any second "wait here ı will help you I will be back in a second okay? Don't move" ı said he weakly nodded

I quickly ran to the car an grabbed the med kit, but I noticed (y/n), they looked like they were freezing "goddammit" I muttered under my breath and I covered them with my police jacket that was in my car and rushed to the rabbit man.

When I got there I quickly started patching up the man.
"Thank you very much" he said weakly
"Don't ever mention it, it's my job"  ı said and finished patching him up
"Can you walk?" I asked him and he nodded his head he slowly got up

" Hey man first what is your name and second what are you doing here?" I question

"First my name is rylan and second: I'm the manager of this place what do you think I'm doing here!?" He answered annoyed
"I have a car but it's almost out of gas could you help me?" I asked straight getting to the point

"First give my money- jk jk ı'll help you"he said, seeing me short on patience

~ le time skip~

"Thanks dude for the gas" doggy said

"No problems anytime"rylan answered

"now let's go come on rylan" doggy said

"I- wait-what!?" Rylan slightly shouted a little bit shocked
"Yeah when I found you you were on verge of death so I'm taking you with me and there is nothing do to change my mind" doggy said while getting in the car

Rylan growled in frustration knowing he got a point and opened the backseat door

"holy shit I didn't know you have a kid"he shouted

" İt's not my kid they saved me on the station"doggy answered rolled his eyes 

" Ah ok ok" rylan said getting pieces in his mind
"Hey rylan?"

" What Are You Doing Here Kiddo?"   Doggy X Child!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now